雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 高保障投連壽險智能模擬器 了解計劃如何在市場波動下提供靈活性,助您管理資產及保障,攻守兼備。 立即開始 高保障投連壽險智能模擬器 了解計劃如何在市場波動下提供靈活性,助您管理資產及保障,攻守兼備。 立即開始

  2. Wealth management. May 2023. 4 min. Legacy planning is all about passing on one’s wealth to future generations by effectively allocating assets and growing their value. The protagonist of this video shows you how the policy split option can be the key to successful wealth transfer. Special offers.

  3. Building on our insights from last year, HSBC Premier has conducted a survey in Hong Kong to examine the market landscape further. The HSBC Premier 2023 Affluent Survey delves deeper into the evolving financial goals and landscapes of Hong Kong’s affluents. Influenced by a blend of various factors, both global and local, the affluent has adopted new trends in wealth management.

  4. To find out whether you are Go or No Go for launch, use our Retirement Predictor to answer a few simple questions and preview your future: are you on course for productive ageing, or will your plan fail to get off the ground because you haven't prepared enough financial fuel?

  5. 百分之九十的肺癌都與吸煙有關,四十歲以下患上肺癌的人很少,而五十歲以上的人患上肺癌的機會大幅增加。 開始吸煙的年齡越輕,患肺癌的機率越大。 十個吸煙人士中有一人患得肺癌,而吸煙斗或雪茄者患上肺癌的風險比吸香煙的人為低,但仍然比非吸煙者高得多。 吸二手煙者,患癌風險低過吸煙者。 症狀. 持續咳嗽. 呼吸短促. 痰中帶血絲. 胸痛:咳嗽或深呼吸時,胸口隱隱作痛或突然劇痛. 食慾不振和體重下降. 減低風險. 遠離香煙. 想了解更多資訊,請瀏覽香港癌症基金會網站,或致電香港癌症基金會免費服務熱線 (852) 3656 0800. 了解更多. 資料來源:香港癌症基金會. 本頁所載的資料只供參考用途,並不構成向任何人士提供建議或意見,亦不可視為取代專業意見。

  6. HSBC Insurance is expanding the beneficiary definitions of its life insurance policies to reflect a broader range of committed and familial relationships as the society is evolving. This is part of HSBC Insurance’s customer-centric initiative to enhance overall customer experience and accessibility to life insurance products.

  7. Ed Moncreiffe, CEO of HSBC Insurance in Hong Kong, said: “HSBC Insurance understands that our customers have different needs and preferences and we are committed to providing more individuals and families in Hong Kong with greater access to protection solutions. This is an important part of HSBC’s efforts to provide inclusive solutions that ...