雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2010年7月6日 · Full sheet music contains 6 pages. 終於改好囉!仍然是C大調,不過個認人認為這首完整度更高囉!所以有些地方的困難度會變高,可以與我之前的那首卡農做個比對哦! Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet? Sheet music download and open instruction ©Sheet music copyright claim and abuse ...

  2. 張遠演唱的歌曲"嘉賓",改編成鋼琴獨奏版,本琴譜難易度上屬中等,此曲是A大調.前後奏的節奏具彈性,段落重複性高,聽熟原曲有助學會彈奏.琴譜兩版共10頁 (C大調放在前面 (無轉調)),您可以只列印您需要的那5頁.這份琴譜提供的試聽音樂是由Overture產生.有需要付費 ...

  3. Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference. Sheet MV 張妙格所演唱的"我期待的不是雪",路易斯製作成鋼琴原調獨奏樂譜,全曲總共8頁,原調為g#小調,a小調放在首頁 (無轉調),可選擇列印 ...

  4. 有聞ufotable即將重製Fate,一整個超激動的...而且是櫻篇!!! (期望U家之後把蘑菇系列全包辦一遍 趁這個勢頭於是寫了一首新歌><

  5. Up to 10, 25% OFF. Up to 20, 30% OFF! Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference.

  6. Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference. 這首歌的拍子、速度、強弱, 都有很多的變化, 很多在譜上也沒辦法記得這麼清楚, 最好的練習方式是多聽熟一點, 把感覺熟記起來再彈, 會比較 ...

  7. Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference. 整體曲速慢, 最難的段落在49小節, 除了節奏與踏板的控制, 手還要一定的跳躍, 抓不到感覺可多聽影片, 彈不起來也可改編或刪減, 其餘應該還算 ...