雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 課程編號 CE114303. 本課程旨在為學生提供社會工作專業知識及工作技巧訓練。. 透過教與學的過程,讓學生對社會工作理論及社會福利制度與政策有更深的認識,並加以實踐應用。. 從課堂到行業實習,培育學生成為具專業態度、能幹與責任感的社會工作者,維護 ...

  2. Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. (Scoring scale: 5**=7 points; 5*=6 points; 5=5 points; 4=4 points; 3=3 points; 2=2 points; 1=1 point) Students may be required to attend classes on other VTC campuses.

  3. Graduates who fulfilled all the programme assessment requirements will be awarded a “Bronze Certification of Cooking Skills for Japanese Cuisine in Foreign Countries” by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. QF Level. QF Level: 2. QR Registration No.: 15/002732/L2.

  4. 課程宗旨. 本課程旨在培訓學生於康體文娛行業所需的專業知識及技能。. 透過與行業伙伴的合作,學生於在學期間將會到相關的機構進行有系統的實習及參與各類康體文娛活動,以增進學生在真實環境的行業體驗與學習。. 本課程著重通識教育、語文訓練、全人 ...

  5. 「青年學院的教學模式靈活互動,助我更易投入學習,發揮潛能。 畢業後我升讀高級文憑,同時利用所學到的技術創辦手機應用程式公司。 現正修讀學士課程,希望將來可以在IT界大展拳腳。 「掌握行業知識和技能,對日後發展事業有很大幫助」 張明輝. IVE基礎課程文憑(電腦)畢業生. 「青年學院助我投入學習,發揮潛能」 政源. 職專文憑資訊科技畢業生. 「擴闊視野,提昇專業技能」 羅昰然. 職專文憑資訊科技畢業生. 「IVE課程為投身專業作最佳準備!」 李卓睿. IVE軟件工程高級文憑畢業生. 「實習機會打通事業發展路!」 盧韋言. IVE電腦遊戲及動畫高級文憑畢業生. 「參加世界技能大賽,提升專業技術!」 鄧振康. IVE網絡應用高級文憑畢業生. 返回高級文憑課程列表.

  6. In support of the government policy on developing the cultural and creative industries, Design Discipline provides through Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) the quality design education that cultivates knowledge, professionalism and new talents facilitating the prosperity of the creative industries and responding to the growing demand for design...

  7. Graduates are eligible for registration as health workers with the Social Welfare Department. Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. Students may be required to attend classes on other VTC campuses.

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