雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2010年4月12日 · 歡迎漫步於表參道的高級時尚區,這個鄰近區域充滿了上流時尚服飾店及穿著華美的居民。. 表參道Hills由知名建築師安藤忠雄所設計,沿著鄰近的主要大街橫亙250公尺。. 歡迎進入其中,瀏覽VALENTINO及Chloé等國外時尚品牌,或見識山本耀司、MIHARA YASUHIRO及Jun ...

  2. A leafy stroll in the heart of the city. The Meguro River meanders nearly 8 kilometers through several chic neighborhoods before emptying into Tokyo Bay. Generously landscaped walking paths along its banks and easy access to drinking and dining make it popular year-round. Tips.

    • Cherry Blossom Buzz
    • Strolling Along The Meguro River and The Side-Streets
    • Nakameguro Koukashita—Energy Under The Train Tracks

    At the end of March through early April, the cherry tree-lined Meguro River that slices through Nakameguro draws huge crowds buzzing with cherry blossom enthusiasm. The connecting trees on both sides of the river touch branches, creating a tunnel flanked by small stalls selling snacks and refreshing beers. Finding a quiet spot can be a challenge, e...

    Ten minutes out of Shibuya, Nakameguro dials down the intensity but ratchets up the cool with its range of vintage shops, art galleries and small eateries serving up mouthwatering cuisine. Wander down to the area from equally cool Daikanyama—around 10 minutes—and stroll along the riverside, dropping into one of the open-front cafes, lunch spots, iz...

    The Nakameguro area continues to develop, and the previously vacant area underneath the train tracks has turned into a vibrant playground of cafes, restaurants and stores known as Nakameguro Koukashita. The jewel in the crown is Nakameguro Tsutaya Books—a bookstore filled with a wide array of Japanese and international texts, cafes, stationary and ...

  3. 2022年10月19日 · 最近經過精心修復的東京站丸之內車站是東京最令人印象深刻的建築之一,其紅磚外牆與周邊以鋼筋水泥與玻璃帷幕建成的高樓大廈群呈現對比,頗具特色。 東京主要交通樞紐的東京站同時也是新幹線的停靠站,由北至函館、南達福岡,縱橫貫穿日本全國。 除了車站內提供的眾多購物及用餐選擇外,車站附近還有華美氣派的丸之內金融街、從江戶時代的商業中心一路發展至今的日本橋等,都是東京最出色的知名景點。 車站西側為丸之內出口,東側則是八重洲出口,就讓我們走出車站去一探究竟吧! 所有旅客必經的中央車站. 若說東京站是所有旅客的必經之地也不為過。 從電車數量來看,東京站是全日本最為繁忙的車站,尤其新幹線的車次頻繁,您可以從這裡前往京都等日本全國的各大城市。

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