雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [kiː]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 鑰匙 a front-door key, a key to the front door 前門鑰匙
    • 2. 銷子

    adj 形容詞

    • 1. 關鍵的

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 鍵入
    • 2. 將…弄毛糙


  2. 2023年5月16日 · Festivals Events Summer Festivals Holidays Family. Japan is home to some 600,000 festivals annually. While many are specific to local shrines and temples, or secular events designed to drum up tourism, there are a handful of huge festivals and national traditions that are observed across the country each year. 1.

  3. 2017年3月22日 · At the foot of Mount Iwaki in Hirosaki City, Aomori, you can find a 20-kilometer (12-mile) stretch of road lined with some 6,500 Oyamazakura cherry trees. 6. Oshima-zakura. Native to the Izu Islands off the coast of Shizuoka Prefecture's Izu Peninsula, these cherry trees are named after the large island of Oshima.

  4. 美食 深度日本 鰻魚. 沾上蒲燒醬汁的鰻魚深放在炭火上炙燒,魚皮被烤至金黃發出陣陣誘人的濃郁香氣,鰻魚飯不僅是江戶料理四天王之一,也是深受日本人喜愛的代表美食。. 不只日本人吃鰻魚,早在羅馬共和國時期西元前425年就有食用鰻魚的文獻紀載,不同 ...

  5. 2016年5月6日 · Like the Japanese words maru (丸, circle) and kuruwa (曲輪, bent loop) imply, a bailey is literally a circle around the main keep. Castles can have any number of baileys, but generally they have at least three basic levels. These are called the honmaru (main bailey), ninomaru (second bailey) and sannomaru (third bailey).

  6. 2019年3月18日 · What does a foreign traveler need to know when visiting Japan? Here we try to parse it down to 11 key things you definitely need to know—and a few more that could be helpful.

  7. 2017年10月2日 · Dashi is also an element of donburi (rice bowl) dishes such as oyakodon, as well as various noodle dishes, hot-pots, chawanmushi, and certain kinds of rice. It's made from kombu (dried kelp, also spelled konbu ), bonito flakes (dried and smoked skipjack tuna that's shaved into thin flakes, known in Japanese as katsuobushi ), dried ...

  8. 2017年5月29日 · Don't speak Japanese? Walk into a Japanese-style pub and order with ease using these eight key phrases!

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