雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 周遊列國,簽乜都賺!. 於海外簽賬可享高達6%回贈. 嚟緊無論您想飛去邊個國家,喺當地吃喝玩樂都記住用Citi信用卡簽賬,可以開心激賺高達6%回贈 1 !. 一於plan定行程,賺得盡興!. 用以下信用卡仲可以同時賺埋基本積分獎賞 3 !. 信用卡優惠里數兌換率之條款 ...

  2. Citi PayAll. 用Citi PayAll交各種生活洗費賺盡積分或回贈. 轉數入 Citi. 於App內按幾下即可從其他銀行轉錢入戶口. 顯示更多. 常見問題. 下載應用程式常見問題. 安卓安裝檔 (APK)下載地址 https://www.citibank.com.hk/english/mbol/app/Citibank_HK.apk. 需要 Android 9.0 或以上版本. 1. 甚麼是Face ID/指紋登入? Face ID 是一種根據在您的Apple iPhone 上存儲的面部測繪圖的登錄認證功能。 指紋登入是一種根據在您的Apple iPhone及Android 手機上存儲的指紋的登錄認證功能;這可代替以花旗銀行網上理財用戶登入賬號和密碼登錄。

  3. 確認詳情. 您已成功將交易轉為分期,交易嘅金額即將會存入您嘅戶口! 常見問題. 顯示全部. 有甚麼交易可轉換成信用卡分期計劃? 您可以轉換以銀行戶口進行金額不少於$1,000且在您的Citi卡可用信用額度之內的賬單付款、現金提款、轉賬及扣賬卡交易。 而可選擇的轉換金額範圍為$200至$550,000。 以下類別之Citibank銀行戶口/提款卡/扣賬卡簽賬均不適用於此計劃: 購買保險或投資產品、博彩、貸款供款、信用卡賬單付款,購買汽車或房屋的訂金、轉賬至信用卡戶口、貸款戶口及自己其他花旗銀行戶口之交易。 可以憑轉換交易賺取積分/里數/現金回贈嗎? 有關金額將不會獲得信用卡積分/里數/現金回贈。 假如我有多個銀行戶口,我可以選擇用哪一個戶口用以存入款項嗎?

  4. 春日消費勁賞 買衫買鞋 | 餐飲 | 網上超市 | 指定電子消費 高達5%*回贈!. %body%. 眨下眼春天已經嚟到,又係換季買新衫同相約朋友聚會嘅好時候!. 無論您鐘意行街買衫、約朋友食飯、喺超市網購、又或者透過電子支付嘅本地日常消費(甚至即興去內地玩嘅消費 ...

  5. What is Portfolio Finance 1? Portfolio Finance enables you to borrow at a competitive rate 2 against a broad range of financial assets as collaterals, including deposits, equities, bonds, mutual funds and structured products.

  6. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...

  7. Citi Credit Card Spring Spending Reward - "Up to 5% extra rebate on designated local spending categories” (“Promotion”) Terms & Conditions: Promotion period is from March 15,2024 to June 14, 2024, both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”). The Promotion Period