雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. CO 2 emissions intensity of all electricity sold by CLP Power Hong Kong to its local customers for 2023 before any RECs sold For general (non-REC holders) customers’ carbon emissionsassessment of electricity they consume (1)0.39 kgCO 2 /kWh 0.39 kgCO 2 ...

  2. 中電「全心傳電」計劃積極推動市民從日常生活入手,為社區、為環境,以實際行動減碳節能,別讓地球「碳」氣。. 繼去年推出備受家長、學生及學校歡迎的「全心傳電低碳大使計劃」後,中電今年繼續聯乘經濟日報集團 (U Lifestyle) 舉辦第二屆活動,一心為 ...

  3. 《中電全心傳電低碳大使計劃2024》正在籌備,活動詳情將於稍後時間於中電網頁 低碳大使計劃 (clp.com.hk) 公佈,敬請期待。 Please look forward to the” Power Connect Low Carbon Ambassador 2024" Program. Details of the event will be announced on the Low-Carbon Ambassador Programme (clp.com.hk) soon.

  4. www.clp.com.hk › en › about-clpLeadership - CLP

    Leadership is important in the growth of any organization. Our visionary team of directors together with a dynamic management team guide us the way to turn our vision into reality. Our commitments are the promises that we make to our staff, stakeholders and the communities.

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  5. Located in the New Territories, Black Point is one of the world’s largest gas-fired combined-cycle power stations. It uses ultra low-sulphur diesel as a backup fuel source. We are the first electricity supplier in Hong Kong to use natural gas for power generation.

  6. 透過參觀由中電贊助、設於香港城市大學的中華電力低碳能源教育中心學習低碳能源對氣候變化的重要性。 有關教育中心 由中電贊助的中華電力低碳能源教育中心是香港首個有關低碳能源的教育中心。中心位於香港城市大學內,參觀者能深入了解低碳能源在應對氣候變化中的重要角色。

  7. The education centre is located at City University’s campus which showcases the importance of low carbon energy in addressing climate change. The centre has 5 themed zones : Climate Change and Fuel Choice. Renewable Energy. Natural Gas. Nuclear Power. Powering the Future.