雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...

  2. Banking. Citi Plus - Citi 利息 Booster. %body% 簡單日常任務 boost 活期利率高達2.67% 年利率. 一開戶就有1.17% 年利率 年利率 1 . 只要完成4個日常任務,包括「儲錢」、「入錢」、「碌卡買嘢」同「投資 2 、唱外幣或買保險」就可以解鎖boost利率 . 加加埋埋年利率最高有成2.67% 年利率 1 ,您放喺Citi 利息Booster戶口嘅首30萬港幣存款就可以賺到更多利息 . 至Smart 攻略去完成任務. 基本利率 1.17% 年利率. 入錢 +0.3% 年利率 更多資料 > 儲錢 +0.3% 年利率 更多資料 > 「投資、唱外幣或買保險」 +0.6% 年利率 更多資料 > 碌卡買嘢 +0.3% 年利率. 更多資料 >

  3. Investments. Structured Products - Diversify your Investments | Citibank Hong Kong. Grasp investment opportunities in different market conditions. Structured product is an instrument embedded with derivative, under which the return is determined by reference to changes in the price, value and/or level of one or more underlying references.

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  5. 迎新獎賞不適用於現在持有任何由花旗銀行所發行之Citi信用卡主卡之客戶亦不適用於由申請認可信用卡當月起計過去12個月內曾持有. 或曾取消任何由花旗銀行所發行之Citi信用卡主卡之客戶 (「新客戶」)。 2. 新客戶須於2024年7月2日或之前獲成功批核。 3.新客戶須於出卡後3個月內憑卡累積合資格簽賬滿HK$8,000或以上及每月須包含最少1次認可簽賬。 用Citi信用卡簽賬網羅旅遊優惠獎賞. 憑Citi信用卡歎盡唔同類型嘅旅遊優惠,慳多啲錢盡情食買玩! 預訂指定酒店享高達 93折 優惠. 詳情. 預訂機票、酒店、高鐵及當地體驗享高達 HK$450 折扣. 詳情. 預訂指定酒店享高達 92折 優惠. 詳情. 預訂指定酒店享高達 92折 優惠. 詳情. 借定唔借? 還得到先好借! 備註:

  6. Citi Plus - Citi Interest Booster. Easy missions to boost your interest rate up to 2.67% p.a. Your account comes with 1.17% p.a. base interest rate. Complete four simple, everyday missions such as “Maintain Balance”, “Fund-in”, “Spend” and “Invest 2, FX & Get Insured” to boost your interest rate.

  7. Citi Pay with Points登陸自由鳥!月月立減總值高達HK$360,用Pay with Points 抵銷簽賬再賺優惠券! 無論您想上台開新號碼,定係完約攜號轉台,一App搞掂嘅自由鳥絕對係您嘅精明選擇! 識揀嘅您,揀啱心水計劃之後,梗識用埋Citi Pay with Points憑分抵銷月費 ...

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