雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 同朋友分享:. 維多利亞港是香港必游景點,除了海港和兩岸的摩天大廈,臨近的還有星光大道,天星小輪,幻彩詠香江等。. 尖沙咀還是名牌的聚集地,再不然就到海港城shopping一番。.

  2. 萬佛寺 (Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery)位於沙田,由5座廟宇,4座亭閣和1座寶塔組成。 寺中供奉超過12800座佛像,是名副其實的萬佛寺。

    • Why Visiting The Victoria Peak (The peak)?
    • When Is The Best Time to Get Up to and Visit The Peak?
    • The Popular Attractions on The Peak – What Else Are There on Victoria Peak?
    • A Bit Story Behind The Peak

    If one says Hong Kong’s best attraction is her skyline, then Victoria Peak is one of the best places to enjoy the view. Victoria Peak is the highest evaluation of Hong Kong Island with an altitude of 552m (1,811ft). It is also known as Mount Austin and its Chinese name “Tai Ping Shan” literally means “Pacific Mountain Peak” or “Mountain Peak of Gre...

    Victoria Peak can be best enjoyed at dry and clear days – be it day or night. However, you need to be prepared that haze, mist, and fog can occur and limit and restrict your views. Even on sunny days, there is often a clear visible layer of Hong Kong’s air pollution hanging on top of the skyscrapers. Also you can experience low hanging clouds which...

    Peak Tram is not the only way getting up to the Peak. However, it is definitely the best. Not only because of the great city view, the fastest way to the Peak, but also due to its long history and...
    The Peak Tower sits at 396 meters above sea level. It is not only one of Hong Kong’s most stylish and modern architectural buildings, but also a complex of both leisure and shopping.It houses two o...
    The open-air Sky Terrace 428 is the highest outdoor 360 degree viewing deck in Hong Kong and located on the top of The Peak Tower with an altitude of 428 meters above sea level. Hence the number 42...
    Madame Tussauds Hong Kong opened in 2000 and is the first branch of the wax figure museum in Asia. Today’s Madame Tussauds provides 100 national and international lifelike wax figures that you can...

    Being the highest point on Hong Kong Island, Victoria Peak has been used as a natural signalling post for incoming cargo ships in the nineteenth century. During the early 20th century, it served as an exclusive residential area for expats only. The only way you could get up was by foot or by Peak Tram (since 1888). The foreign expatriates decided o...

  3. 這裡現在是香港兩個主要的展覽中心之一。 這裡擁有超過45個展覽廳,一年幾乎毫無間斷的成為商人和企業的交易中心。 金紫荊廣場. 在香港會議展覽中心外面是為紀念香港回歸中國,中國政府向香港政府贈送的金紫荊雕塑。 在1997年6月30日,就在這裡,英國政府將香港歸還給中國,香港正式結束了100年的殖民統治。 也因為這一有紀念意義的事件,這裡被內地遊客廣為熟知,成為內地遊客必遊的景點之一。 每天在金紫荊廣場旁邊,滿滿的停泊著各個旅遊公司的旅遊大巴。 在金紫荊廣場旁邊還竪立著由前中華人民共和國主席江澤民題詞的回歸紀念碑。 每日升旗儀式. 值得注意: 如果你習慣早起,你可以考慮前往觀賞每日在金紫荊廣場舉行的升旗儀式。 升旗儀式通常在每天早上7點50分至8點零3分舉行。

  4. 天際100香港觀景台 (Sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck)從2011年4月17日開幕起,香港便有了一個新的旅遊景點和地標。坐落在香港目前最高的摩天大廈――環球貿易廣場 (ICC)里,天際100香港觀景台無疑是香港最高的室內觀景台。. 顧名思義,天際100香港觀景台位於環球貿易廣場的第100層,坐擁360度令人窒息的無敵景觀,可無阻鳥瞰香港著名的 維多利亞港 ,甚至是圍繞著的其他摩天大廈也是一覽眾山小。如果你對具體的數據感興趣,我們可以告訴你天際100香港觀景台海拔393米,而環球貿易廣場海拔高達490米。環球貿易廣場是目前世界上第四高樓。.

  5. 金魚街(Goldfish Market)- 香港熱門市集 | 下一站香港旅遊攻略. Search for: 同朋友分享: Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Pinterest. 金魚街(Goldfish Market)位於旺角太子道至旺角道之間的一段通菜街,也是香港著名的 [市集]之一。 在這段大約300米的街道上,有超過40家的金魚小店。 這裡主要出售各式各樣的金魚,以及和飼養金魚有關的水族用品。 金魚向來在風水學上被認為是有利風水的,篤信風水的香港人對於金魚有特別的鐘愛。 除了在魚缸裡游來游去的金魚,很多金魚都是用透明盛水的塑料袋掛著牆上出售的。 這在風水學上是有講究的。 因為金魚象徵著金錢,富裕,裝在袋子裡出售,表示你將“金錢”“袋”在口袋裡拿回家。

  6. Wagyu Kaiseki Den. (One Star ★) Address: G/F Central Park Hotel, 263 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan. 地址: 上環荷里活道263號中環麗柏酒店地下. Average Spending: above HK$ 500 per person. 人均消費: 港幣$ 500以上. Food Style: Japanese / 日本菜. 2011年米其林美食指南中香港有許多餐廳和酒店都在編書之列。 集中於中環,銅鑼灣,灣仔和尖沙咀,價錢從低於$ 40到高於$ 500,菜色從中菜,上海菜,粵菜,到法國菜,意大利菜,印度菜和日本菜,一應俱全。

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