雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 體驗木精靈們的生活 — 北輕井澤SWEET GRASS度假村. 冬天,寂靜的山間雪地,偶爾飛過一隻冬鳥,不知名的小動物留下一串串腳印。. 這片土地屬於一對夫婦,他們的願望是把自然的美世世代代流傳下去,於是便有了這樣一個樂園,每天為人民帶來歡聲笑語和不一 ...

    • SWEET BOX可麗餅專門店。第一個要推薦的便是這家可麗餅店,真的是好吃到爆呦。原宿竹下通這條街上縱然有很多家可麗餅小店,但偏偏這一家最有人氣。筆者本人很喜歡吃可麗餅,原宿這家店也應該是我來到日本之後吃到過的最好吃的一家。
    • ZAKUZAKU クロッカンシューザクザク。繼續沿著竹下通走不遠,你就會聞到一股很香的類似烤餅乾的味道,而且很明顯隊伍都排到街上來了。沒錯,我們這就到本次原宿美食之旅的第二站,時髦的ZAKUZAKU閃電泡芙。
    • 原宿餃子樓。大家應該都有所耳聞,日本人不會像台灣、韓國、中國那樣,把餃子當正餐在吃。一般來說,日本的餃子僅僅是一道菜而已,而且即使點了餃子,還有很多人會配米飯一起吃。
    • Luke’s Lobster(龍蝦三明治)表參道店。從餃子店出來向左走不到10米,沒錯,不到10米,就是最後收官這家超火的Luke's Lobster了。
  2. 2022年7月25日 · Uiro is a steamed cake made from non-glutinous rice, water and sugar. Sweet and chewy, uiro can be made in a variety of colors and flavors, including adzuki, matcha, yuzu citrus, strawberry and chestnut. These delightful sweets are a specialty of Nagoya.

  3. 2018年7月27日 · Their popularity has endured the tests of time for the people of Japan and tourists alike, and we can help you plan the perfect trip to satisfy your sweet tooth. Enjoy a taste of tradition and history with these long-lived Japanese sweets shops!

  4. 2022年7月25日 · Though just made with sugar and coloring, these sweet nibbles are adored by all ages and can be bought pretty much anywhere in japan. Konpeito was first introduced to Japan by the Portuguese in the 16th century (they called it confeito).

  5. 2018年6月21日 · 1. Mochi. Though many wagashi sweets were introduced from China, mochi is one of the few things that was created in Japan. Since antiquity, Japan has had a strong rice culture, with rice being involved in big part of their cuisine and even the economy.

  6. 2016年8月25日 · 树屋 tree house. http://sweetgrass.jp/greenstyle/facility/treehouse_mushroom.html. 树屋位于儿童乐园的隔壁。. 螺旋阶梯、蘑菇型的屋顶,与周围的景色协调的恰到好处。. 最重要的是,下面还有秋千和吊床,在这样清新的自然中享受享受童趣是再好不过了。. http ...

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