雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 全部係地面貨櫃。 問: 出入取貨洗唔洗錢,是否自由出入? 每日取貨時間係朝8晚8,如非辦工時間內取貨需提前打2744 8188通知,唔需收費 問: 係咪收1個月按金,1個月上期? 每個櫃收2個月按金,於退租時歸還,每租滿30日會以email形式send 租單。

  2. www.whiteheadstorage.hk › contactus租倉聯繫

    存倉時間 : 星期一至日 08:00 – 20:00 電話 : 2744 8188 傳真 : 2782 6566 電郵 : info@whitehead.hk 地址 : 新界沙田馬鞍山白石第1950 號 租倉查詢,請致電2744 8188 電郵至info@whitehead.hk 版權所有。長和管理有限公司刊發 2014 。不得轉載 儲存倉服務 ...

  3. whiteheadstorage.hk › download › rental-guide⻑和管理有限公司

    首次進倉可由職員帶領到已租用之貨櫃倉位置 租戶需自行安排運輸進出貨物 租戶需自行上鎖及保管鑰匙. Tenants are led by staff to the rented Container Warehouse for the first entrance. Tenants are required to arrange for the transport of goods Tenants are required to lock & keep the key for the said ...

  4. whiteheadstorage.hk › download › regulationsOcean First Logistics Ltd

    There is forklift for hire and hand pallet truck for borrow in the venue. The forklift service is rented together with the driver, and the hand pallet truck is used by the tenant in the venue. In addition, the speed limit is 8km per hour, the tenants are required to comply. with the on-site traffic instructions.

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