雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. Start-Up 電視 相關

  2. 一系列做生意必要服務及e-Banking優惠,總值超過HK$88,888! 開戶只需3個簡單步驟,無須預約或親臨分行。服務及優惠受條款及細則約束。


  1. To open an investment account via mobile banking, you must: - have an integrated account with HSBC. - be aged 18 or above, and live in Hong Kong. • A below balance fee will be charged if you do not maintain the minimum Total Relationship Balance of your HSBC Premier account over the last three months. • Relationship Balance refers to your ...

  2. 由2023年1月16日至2月16日期間,完成遊戲後填寫及遞交登記表格,並使用任何一項指定滙豐產品及服務的限定優惠 1 ,即可參加大抽獎,隨時有機會贏走高達$123,000「獎賞錢」。. 滙豐1.23 Go Goal Day,讓你每個願望開花!. 「滙豐1.23 Go Goal Day大抽獎」經已圓滿結束 ...

  3. 不用擔心!香港是個文化大熔爐,想家時,也不一定要立即乘坐飛機回家;留在香港,一樣可以找到家的味道。 香港有很多外地人聚集的小社區,令這裡滿載不同的國際節慶,一年365日都多姿多采。 這裡每年都有啤酒節及葡萄美酒嘉年華,更會定期舉辦各國地道美食及名菜的美食展,還有涵蓋電影 ...

  4. 還未是滙豐客戶?只需符合以下條件,即可以HSBC HK App輕鬆開戶: 居於香港 持有香港身份證(永久或非永久性居民)、年齡介乎18至64歲 並未於滙豐持有任何理財/投資戶口或滙豐信用卡 已經是滙豐客戶?如果您持有不屬於綜合理財戶口下的滙豐往來、儲蓄、定期存款或投資戶口,同樣可以使用HSBC ...

  5. It’s all-in-one financial management, designed to let you plan your next moves better and start a great new chapter! Use your HSBC HK App to open an HSBC Integrated Account before 31 July and receive a HKD200 instant cash reward 1 !

  6. Catching up with home, starting your next journey You’re in the perfect place for connecting you to where you’re from and where you’re going next. Whether you want to stay in touch with friends and family back home or prepare for the start of a new adventure elsewhere, Hong Kong is a city equipped to help you maintain old ties and establish new ones.

  7. Our online trading service offers you with a wide range of investment options, like stocks, bonds, funds and structured products. Eligible HSBC customers¹ who aged 18 or above living in Hong Kong can open an investment account in just 6 steps with the HSBC HK App.