雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年7月3日 · In Aomori Prefecture, located in Northern Japan, there lives a creature named Nyango Star, a drumming yurukyara. Its apple-shaped cat costume—apples being the product Aomori is most famous for—seems pretty bulky, so it’s impressive that it can sit at a drum set at all. A small crowd gathered at ROCK’N’AOMOROLL to witness the talent of ...

  2. 成群的菁英騎士在古式甲冑競馬盛事中喧騰馳騁賽場,狂熱的群眾喧囂幾乎掩沒了狂奔的馬蹄聲。 活動的兼容並蓄也令人出乎意料,這項活動沒有性別年齡限制,男女老少都能競逐獎項,活動結束的時候都一樣滿身塵土及汗水! 第二個活動是「神旗爭奪戰」,數以百計的騎手爭相捕捉禮炮射出的旗幟。 早期競賽展現出的純粹迅猛已經不再,取而代之的是無限壯觀的景象——成群的勇士穿著流光溢彩的盔甲,風中飄揚著絢麗斑斕的旗幟。 每個勝利者的臉上都洋溢著興奮喜悅的笑容,這時你就可以看出,這項榮譽對他們來說是多麼的重要! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZKA819muV8. 再好的照片也描繪不出這個史詩般的盛況。 你真的應該去相馬,親眼目睹這一壯觀的景象。

  3. 從關西機場到大阪市區. 說到大阪的機場交通,大家應該都對南海電鐵不陌生吧。. 南海電鐵有兩種車給大家選擇,一個是空港急行(機場快線)和Rapi:t機場特急,話不多說我們先來看費用和時間比較。. <費用>. 機場快線:920日圓. Rapi:t:1270日圓 (外籍旅客網路 ...

  4. 2019年9月5日 · Meet Hiromu Inada, an 86-year-old triathlete. Last year, he became the oldest person to complete the Ironman World Championship. The event is considered the toughest triathlon. It comprises a 4-kilometer swim, a 180-km bike ride and a 42-km run, totaling 226 km. Inada took 16 hours, 53 minutes to achieve the feat.

  5. 2017年11月15日 · Kabushima Shrine (蕪島神社) is located on the island of Kabushima alongside the Tanesashi coastline in Aomori. It was originally established in 1269 by local fishermen who would pray for a good haul and safety while working on the open sea. These days, people also pray for good fortune on the stock market, since the Japanese word kabu ...

  6. 2019年1月23日 · Traversing the vast Kushiro Marsh—a national park that makes up roughly six percent of all of Japan’s wetlands—the train offers sights and vistas that can only be glimpsed along this route, including the chance to see far northern wildlife such as Ezo red foxes, red-crowned cranes and Ezo deer.

  7. 2016年12月28日 · 47 Minutes from Shinjuku Station. Mount Takao is located less than 50 minutes away from Shinjuku on the Keio Line, close enough for a day trip of leisurely hiking on the mountain. Mount Takao Round-Trip Discount Ticket. http://www.keio.co.jp/english/sightseeing/takao.html.

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