雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Real estate associations support the implementation of the first set of disk The Government intends to push the vehicle through public and private co-operation. The Real Estate Association considers that the measures are feasible. It is proposed that an independent body be set up for approval. The

  2. 本市關注武漢的肺炎疫情,香港已錄得首例死亡個案 在社會民心被打亂的時候,並沒有傷害到開發商新增土壤儲備的願望。港鐵(0066)將軍澳日出戛納12期住宅開發專案昨日關閉。共收到9份投標書。這是日出戛納在每一個階段推出的項目,並收到了第三大投標。首都一期以及2019年4月關閉的11個開發 ...

  3. 新房價格差距縮小21個百分點至14% 新房價格差距縮小21個百分點至14% 在過去的五年裡,由752平方英尺和香港島對新界的新的大眾住宅單位所支配的價格溢價從90%下降到79 ...

  4. 今天在慕尼黑世博會房地產交易會上發布的年度增長城市贏家報告,全球低利率和持續的風險正在吸引投資者投資商業地產 位於全球核心城市的市場,紐約是去年吸引投資最多的

  5. After the US ISM Supply Management Association released the Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), which was worse than market expectations, there was more economic data reflecting the further decline of the US economy According to reports, the sales of the three Asian car manufacturers, inc

  6. At the 21st Hi-Tech Fair, the Macao Pavilion organized 10 representative enterprises and institutions of higher learning to participate in the organization and organized several visiting delegations Deng Junming, executive director of the Macao Productivity and Technology Transfer Center, said that

  7. In the first quarter of the season, 18 transactions involved 8.65 billion First-hand transactions, compared with second-hand trading, the performance in the fourth quarter of last year was quite different. The former was against the market and a total of 18 cases were recorded, involving a total tu

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