雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The period from the time of initial use until 12 midnight on the same day is calculated as 1 day and additional charges will apply for use beyond that. Example: If items areplaced in the locker at 09:00 p.m.and taken out at 01:00 a.m.the next day,the user will be charged for two days. Small baggage: 400 JPY per day.

  2. 從開始使用起至午夜0點為止作為1天,超過後加收超過費。 例)若晚上9點寄放,第二天凌晨1點取出,則收取2天費用。

  3. Restaurants and Shops. This page provides information on ANA DUTY & TAX FREE SHOP in Narita Airport. Business hours: 08:00-20:30, location: T1 No.4 Satellite / 3F / After Security Check (International Flights), telephone number: 0120029023.

  4. 香煙,酒類,點心 (白色戀人,ROYCE’,東京香蕉等),美容器具 (Refa),電器產品 (剃鬚刀,耳機等),雜貨. 前往餐廳、商店一覽. 提供成田國際機場內的ANA DUTY & TAX FREE SHOP相關資訊。. 營業時間:08:00-20:30,地點:T1 第4衛星樓 / 3F / 安檢後(國際航班),電話號碼:0120029023.

  5. Service and Facility Details ATM (Automatic Teller Machines) ATM (Automatic Teller Machines) Varying operating hours apply to different cards and types of transaction. Some ATM services may close for Golden Week and Christmas & New Year holidays. Please contact your financial institution for further information.

  6. 即使不能帶進機艙,如果放在我的行李箱裡,可以嗎?. 我想把買的劍的複製品當作手提行李帶回去,我應該怎麼做?. 劍的複製品不尖,我也有個硬殼箱子收納。. 我明白剃鬚刀被視為銳器,不能帶上飛機。. 然而,同時用的剃鬚霜和凝膠(髮型產品)也不能帶 ...

  7. 費用根據行李的大小分為三種(小、中、大)。各店收費不同,詳情請向店裡諮詢。還有衣服寄放服務。此標示是為提供旅日外籍旅客免提大型行李可輕便觀光的用途,可提供暫時保管隨身行李及英文導覽等符合政府規定基準認證的服務櫃檯之意。