雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 教科書上的ヤバイ大部分都有「危險、不妙」的意思,但現在的年青人卻很喜歡用ヤバイ來形容一些「好的感覺」,特別是用在好吃的東西上或是吃到美味的食物都會開心的叫一句「ヤバイね〜」。. 奇妙的是除了形容美好的事物外,大家還是會用ヤバイ去形容 ...

  2. All About Mac Salman. A Tokyo resident for over 15 years, Mac is the founder and lead guide of Maction Planet, which specializes in bespoke Japan travel. He has travelled to over 100 countries and all 7 continents.

  3. 2017年1月26日 · Former samurai Yasubei Kimura found himself out of work following the dissolution of the samurai class and the rise of an all-conscript military during the Meiji Period (1868-1912). In 1869, he founded a bakery named Bun'eido in what is now the Shinbashi area of Tokyo, picking up on the staple that had been recently reintroduced to Japan, but ...

  4. All About Teigan Babcock. Californian turned ex-pat turned Missourian who loves rats, chai, and exploring cultures through gastro-tourism. I bounced back and forth between Japan and the USA starting in 2008, wound up on the JET Programme in 2011, and ended up in St Louis in 2015. I'm currently involved with the St Louis-Suwa City Sister Cities ...

  5. 2017年9月30日 · 一碗长崎面下肚后便知. 长崎什锦海鲜面是日本繁多拉面门派中的一种。. 长崎什锦海鲜面的诞生,源于在明治时期为了给在日本留学的中国留学生提供既便宜又有营养的伙食而来的。. 至今为止,长崎县一直都拥有全国最多的什锦海鲜面店铺。. 在长崎乃至全 ...

  6. 2016年11月28日 · 1. Kokkodesho. The most popular performance is the Kokkodesho, which features four children on a mikoshi (portable shrine) as men display a remarkable feat of strength by tossing the kids and mikoshi up toward the sky. The men who shoulder the mikoshi train all year for the event. While the Kokkodesho is said to have originated from the ...

  7. 2017年5月15日 · 在日本棒球是非常受欢迎的。12个球队会有12种加油方式,并且不同的球场会有不同的气氛,这些就是日本的特色。如果来到日本,真的很推荐你们来看一场棒球比赛,那么今天就为大家介绍棒球。

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