雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 例句與用法. The chairman adjourned the meeting for a week . 主席把會議延期 一周 。 The helix makes a complete turn every 4. 4nm . 螺旋旋轉 一周 為44nm。 The shop changed hands twice within a week . 該店 周 內易手兩次。 They gave me a week to make up my mind .

  2. 例句與用法. During the first week there is a gradually increasing remittent fever . 第一周 馳張熱逐漸升高。 During the first week of november, ben rosselli's physical condition worsened . 十一月 第一周 ,本羅塞利病情進一步惡化。

  3. 週日英文翻譯: sunday…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋週日英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯週日,週日的英語例句用法和解釋。.

  4. 中文翻譯 手機版. n. 1.星期,周;七天 (期間)。. 2.星期日以外六天,工作日。. 短語和例子. What day of the week is it = What is the day of the week 今天星期幾?. this week 這個星期。. last [next] week 上 [下]星期。. this day week 上 [下]星期這天〔如這天星期三即指 ...

  5. 例句與用法. She gets saturdays off in her new job as against working alternate weekends in her last one . 她新找這份工作星期六放假,而原來那份工作周末 隔周 放假。 Join doesn ' t go to there once a week , but two weeks. 約翰并非每周去那兒,只 隔周 去次。 John went there not every week , but every other week. 約翰并非每周去那兒,只 隔周 去次。 John doesn ' t go there once a week , but goes every other week

  6. 例句與用法. She never fails to write me every week . 她從不忘記 每周 給我寫信。. The dustman collects the rubbish once a week . 垃圾工 每周 運走次垃圾。. They boarded him for $ 40 a week . 他們按 每周 收費40美元給他包伙。. The plant puts out 900 new cars a week . 該廠 每周 生產900輛轎車。.

  7. 例句與用法. Such fungicidal seed treatments should be applied several weeks ahead of planting . 這類種子殺菌處理應當在播種 前幾周 進行。 A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before christmas. 圣誕節 前幾周 ,某人摔斷了右腿被送進醫院。 The week before last we saw djibril cisse on the cover of the lfc magazine. 記者:在 前幾周 ,我們看到西塞成為lfc雜志封面人物。