雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. System. Text. Json. Serialization. 組件: System.Text.Json.dll. 套件: System.Text.Json v9.0.0-preview.3.24172.9. 判斷 JsonSerializer 如何在序列化及還原序列化時處理數字。 此列舉支援其成員值的位元組合。 C# 複製. [System.Flags] public enum JsonNumberHandling. 繼承. Object. ValueType. Enum. JsonNumberHandling. 屬性. Flags Attribute. 欄位. 展開資料表. 備註.

  2. System. Runtime. Interop Services. Java Script. 組件: System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.dll. 多載. 展開表格. SetProperty (String, Boolean) 定義目標物件上的新屬性,或修改現有屬性以具有指定的值。 C# 複製. public void SetProperty (string propertyName, bool value); 參數. propertyName. String. 屬性的名稱。 value. Boolean. 要設定的屬性值。 適用於.

  3. Compares the specified text as a character span to the name of this property. Name Equals (String) Compares the specified string to the name of this property. To String () Provides a string representation of the property for debugging purposes. Write To (Utf8Json Writer) Writes the property to the provided writer as a named JSON object property.