雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 《可以忍受》 《本卡片使用方法》 《用手指出相應症狀以及輕重程度。 》《流鼻水》《流鼻血》 《非常難受》 《氣喘》 *9. 《呼吸困難》《有咻咻聲》 《有喘息聲》 《頭痛》 《非常難受》 《頭痛》 *4. 《發燒》 *6. 《暈眩》 《耳朵痛》 《聽不見》 *5《耳鳴》 《嘴巴裡痛》《舌頭痛》《嚐不出味道》 《牙痛》《牙齦痛》 *7. 《脖子無法轉動》 《脖子痛》 《脖子腫》 《腰痛》 《下肢痠麻》 《腹痛》 《胃痛》 《腹瀉》 《眼睛痛》 《看不見・看不清》 *8《眼睛癢》 《喉嚨痛》 《發不出聲音》 《咳痰》《咳嗽》《打噴嚏》 《胸痛》 《心悸》

  2. I want to consult about medical treatment. Please contact the consultation service of the prefecture in which you are staying as listed in the links. *In times outside of regular opening hours, please contact the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare COVID-19 Call Center. (0120-565-653)

  3. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey.

  4. Emergency warning. This website provides international tourists in Japan with information about safe travel.

  5. 日本政府観光局(JNTO) - Japan National Tourism Organization

  6. Safety tips for travelers. HOME > In the event of an emergency > When a tsunami warning is issued.

  7. This is also true in travel. Your smart device is a tool to expand the enjoyment of what you eat, what you see, and what you buy when traveling. It is a tool you use to share what you saw, what you felt during your trip. If you have a smart device, you can safely wander anywhere in Japan all alone. Japan is equipped with mobile communications ...