雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 一般而言,病人應從社區藥房購買自費藥物。然而,病人可從醫管局藥劑部購買三類自費藥物,包括(1)安全網涵蓋的藥物、(2)不容易從社區藥房購得的專科藥物,以及(3)服務運作所需的藥物(例如:注射藥物),詳列如下: 最後更新日期:2023年7月8日

  2. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, which is recognised by the World Health Organisation as one of four priority non-communicable diseases targeted for action by world leaders.1 Hong Kong is of no exception.

  3. Home > Service Guides > Clusters, Hospitals & Institutions > Hong Kong East Cluster. A statutory body established on 1 December 1990 under the Hospital Authority Ordinance to manage all public hospitals in Hong Kong.

  4. 2020年11月6日 · Frequently Asked Questions. Public Reporting of Waiting Time Statistics related to Specialist Out-patient Clinics in Hospital Authority. Background. 1.To further enhance transparency and accountability, Hospital Authority (HA) has reported the waiting time information related to specialist out-patient Clinics (SOPCs) within the ...

  5. 如有疑問,請向你的醫生、藥劑師或護士查 詢。. 貯存藥物須知. 1. 把藥物存放在孩童不能觸及的地方。. 2. 把藥物存放在陰涼乾爽的地方,避光保存。. 口服化療藥物 病人須知. 卡培他濱 Capecitabine. 潛在的藥物相互作用.

  6. 2023年1月12日 · 現時大部分由醫管局發出的轉介信均印有二維碼,病人可以使用HA Go內置的掃描條碼功能,掃描二維碼後便可完成程序,省卻逐頁拍攝和上載轉介信的程序。 醫管局醫療信息主管彭育華醫生說︰「醫管局會繼續發展HA Go,並會繼續加入更多新功能。 截至11月底,HA Go已有逾220萬用戶登記使用,尚未登記的市民,可以隨時隨地下載程式及登記個人資料,再透過『智方便』或『醫健通』核實資料,啟動賬戶。 病人亦可在覆診時,由職員協助啟動賬戶。 HA Go接受18歲或以上的香港身份證持有人登記成為用戶,市民可瀏覽以下網頁了解詳情: https://www3.ha.org.hk/hago/ 。

  7. Double-checks are often less effective in detecting exogenous errors than endogenous errors, even when the check is performed independently. Some of the same external factors that initially led to the error often remain, and staff with similar training could easily make the same mistake during the double-check.

  1. 獨佔2個位 相關
