雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 兩個可以孖住上. 鍾意熱鬧......不妨四人大合唱. 甚至......湊夠數參加籃球賽 . 其實,只要早啲計劃好. 想生幾多個,心中有數! 香港家庭計劃指導會2572 2222.

  2. The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK), a non-profit making organization, advocates, promotes and provides information, education, medical and counselling services in Sexual and Reproductive Health for the community. 24 May Press Releases - More childrearing friendly environment called for at Planned Parenthood Forum jointly held by FPAHK and HKU as study reveals youth’s ...

  3. 簡介. 承蒙賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,【決性時刻2是由香港大學主辦,夥拍香港家庭計劃指導會合作開發,一個有關戀愛及性行為抉擇的性教育體驗學習電腦遊戲。. 玩家可以選擇一個自己喜愛的角色,模擬體驗親密關係裡六個不同的情境。. 遊戲過程中,玩家 ...

  4. The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK), a non-profit making organization, advocates, promotes and provides information, education, medical and counselling services in Sexual and Reproductive Health for the community.

  5. As part of an overall effort to renew it’s public image, the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong organized a Slogan Competition to stimulate contemplation and expression of public views on family planning and fertility in Hong Kong. It also aimed to arouse ...

  6. 2013年5月21日 · 期望生育2名子女的受訪者佔最多,女受訪者有55.5%,男受訪者有55.2%,均較五年前上升了約五個百分點;期望生一名子女的受訪者比率大致相同,但不想要孩子的卻下降約五個百分點。

  7. 剖腹產子在本港愈趨普遍。. 香港婦產科學院的調查發現,本港孕婦以醫學產科理由而需剖腹分娩的個案佔一至兩成,其餘的個案則只屬個人意願。. 其實從醫學角度而言,若無確切的需要,自然分娩是較合適的選擇。. 但當各位準媽媽留意到社會上日漸多人選 ...