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  1. Send an anonymous message and start a dialogue. Now you can have a complete discussion online at Anonymous Employee, without revealing your identity. You can tell your employer what is wrong, where the problems are, and what needs to be changed. You can offer solutions to problems and make a positive difference.

  2. My boss goes to lunch every day with an employee with the same job rank as me. This employee is invited into private management conversations, meetings and on to teams that us other similar ranked employees are not. If I have a complaint about this employee ...

  3. I have a really great team under me. We all work really hard when we get a new contract. The trouble is that we’ve had 4 great contracts in a row, and they’ve all been putting in an awful lot of time, even their own time. I reward them for it, of course, but it’s ...

  4. Employees can inform their employer of the issues they face in the workplace, without needing to reveal their identity.

  5. This morning upon entering the office, I watched a co-worker of mine enter and head up to his desk. Shortly after a security guard entered and asked about the alarm going off. On my way upstairs I passed this co-worker and then asked if he had let in the security ...

  6. www.anonymousemployee.com › csssite › sidelinksworking after punching out

    Our boss makes us punch out, then continue to work 15-30 minutes w/o pay. The job needs to be done before the next shift comes in, and we are always short staffed. We work 8 hours with one 1/2 hour break. What should we do? And we are working hard, not ...

  7. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile...