雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年9月21日 · Butoh (舞踏), also referred to as Ankoku Butoh (暗黒舞踏, “dance of darkness”), is a somewhat inscrutable, avant-garde form of Japanese dance theater that's defined by its ability to avoid categorization and standard definition. It encompasses a wide variety of movements, activities and aesthetic practices into a performance art ...

  2. 與世界上大多數民族的特色服裝一樣,在男女的設計上分得相當清楚,在這一篇日本文化入門講座,便要深入淺出的告訴大家男女和服的差異之處。. 雖然不少外國遊客入駐溫泉旅館,或是觀覽京都,金澤這些古都時,都曾有過和服試穿拍照留念的在地體驗,但 ...

  3. 2020年9月7日 · After climbing the final staircase, you will find the lying Buddha, which measures a majestic 41 meters in length, with a height of 11 meters. Gifted to Japan by Myanmar in 1995, this statue captures the Buddha's transition to Nirvana, a process which holds incredible significance in Buddhism. Be sure to touch its massive pair of feet or grab ...

  4. 2024年4月22日 · 美术馆从2001年起开业至今,里面展示过许多吉卜力工作室作品的各类作品。. 吉卜力工作室正是宫崎骏奉献了其一生的地方,也是制作出了《天空之城》《龙猫》《魔女宅急便》,以及最近上映的《你想活出怎样的人生》等作品的动画工作室。. 它还是日本动画 ...

  5. 鄰近電器街秋葉原站,當店提供有正統九州豚骨拉麵,一碗不到一個銅板價,只需480日幣幾乎是打破市場的佛心價格。即便如此當店的湯頭一點都不輸需要一倍價錢以上的拉麵店,精心熬製的湯頭滑順中帶有些許甜味,搭配軟硬恰到好處的麵條以及中規中矩的配料,在日本美食排行榜tabelog上也有3.5 ...

  6. 2016年7月31日 · Painstakingly stitched by hand, this is Kyo-nui, or Kyoto hand embroidery, a beautiful Japanese textile tradition with a long and rich background that stretches back more than 1,000 years to the Asuka Period (592-710). Embroidery was first seen in Japan in conjunction with Buddhism that came from China.

  7. 2017年12月21日 · The monk Mangan established a shrine at the present location on the shore of Lake Ashi in 757. He is then said to have subdued a nine-headed dragon (九頭龍・ kuzuryu) that lived in the bottom of the lake, after which he constructed Kuzuryu Shrine (九頭龍神社・Kuzuryu Jinja) as part of the greater shrine complex, now deifying the ...