雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.clp.com.hk › zh › education-development中電學院 - CLP

    中華電力有限公司於2017年正式成立中電學院,以應對業界的人才需求。. 中電學院致力為年青人及在職人士提供投身業界的培訓和發展方向,啟導學員發揮所長 ,透過一系列專業和可銜接的課程,為他們提供向上游的動力。. 同時為業界培訓更多電力及機械工程 ...

  2. CLP Power Academy offers a wide range of part-time connected programmes for people who wish to enhance their professional development in the electrical and mechanical engineering industries. Road to a Bright Professional Future The following are part-time programmes, which mainly provide a variety of professional knowledge in electrical and mechanical fields.

  3. www.clp.com.hk › zh › education-development兼讀制課程概覽

    中電學院提供多個可銜接的兼讀制課程,助各界人士投身電力和機電行業,更作進一步的專業發展。 職專教育,光明之路 以下提供的為兼讀制課程,主要提供電機及機械兩個範疇的各種專業知識,切合不同人士的需要,提供多元化的升學及就業途徑。

  4. www.clp.com.hk › zh › education-development教育與發展 - CLP

    我們的工作. 我們堅信通過教育和參與來灌輸希望和增強社區的能力。. 我們的公共教育工作重點是:. 提高對節能、清潔能源和氣候變化的認識。. 支援青年和成人在能源和工程方面的利益。. 提供資金和服務,支持綠色學校。. 多年來,我們推出了多項活動計劃 ...

  5. 持續專業發展課程. 如你想知道發電廠的運作和規模,又或想深入了解香港的輸配電及供電系統,感受中電專業工程師的日常工作,都歡迎參加「持續專業發展課程」。. 課程安排參觀發電廠及中電輸配電系統,並由中華電力專業人員為學員作詳細講解。. 參加者 ...

  6. Continuing Professional Development Courses. If you want to find out more about the operation of power stations, or understand Hong Kong's power transmission, distribution and supply system, and experience the daily activities of a professional engineer, sign up for our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses.

  7. The course integrates electrical engineering theory with in-depth coverage of specific latest knowledge of power transmission and distribution systems. Students also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience of power equipment at CLP Power Academy, and to visit various facilities and work sites at CLP Power.

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