雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 天前 · Ireland, Norway and Spain have now become the first Western countries to recognise the state of Palestine. It is believed that more European countries will follow suit. There is almost a consensus in the international community that the issue of Israel and Palestine should be resolved through a "two-state solution".

  2. 2024年3月28日 · 復活節長假期本港商場佈置各式復活節主題裝置包括復活蛋波波池七彩藝術迷宮吹氣樂園7米巨型復活蛋和復活蛋藝術走廊本文整合各區商場復活節好去處留港度假同樣玩得開心

  3. 2023年4月9日 · 復活蛋可算是最能代表復活節的裝飾食物巴西南部聖卡塔琳娜州的城市Pomerode為了慶祝年度復活節節日Osterfest」,委託當地藝術家Joana Wachholz創造了有紀錄以來最巨型的復活蛋該復活蛋裝置高達16.72米直徑10.88米

  4. 4 天前 · Editorial : Orderly Opening Up of Ride-Hailing Market. 【明報專訊】Recently, "STING OPERATIONS" carried out by some people in the taxi industry to combat Uber's online ride-hailing services have caused a lot of repercussions. The Chief Executive has urged the industry not to carry out such operations on their own lest it should find ...

  5. 2024年3月29日 · 港島區四大海濱共享空間大型立體裝置已換上新裝,即日至4月底呈獻「海濱新維度‧拼湊生活彩圖」復活節期間限定裝置,化身成不同的打卡位,包括:灣仔水上運動及康樂主題區——復活版「8-Bit Bunny兔」和「Chicky Kid小學雞」鐵寶奇盒裝置,灣仔HarbourChill海濱休閒站——9米高「至Chill地標!」維 ...

  6. 5 天前 · 【明報專訊】THE CASE OF THREE MEN charged by the UK for assisting Hong Kong's intelligence agencies has become increasingly mysterious. One of the defendants, who used to serve in the British military, has died in broad daylight in a British park. The cause of his death is currently unexplained.

  7. 2023年4月7日 · 本港一連四日復活節長假期今(7日)起展開,有市民選擇留港度假,到特色景點或商場打卡影相。市民徐女士今午到灣仔星街小區與復活節兔子裝置「打卡」,她稱外遊人流較多,假日會選擇在家休息。有市民則表示今年香港復活節氣氛較弱,假日會選擇外出用餐、睇戲慶祝節日。另一「打卡 ...

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