雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 300,000 (價值 HK$1,200) The Point積分價值是根據The Point積分兌換率 (即每250 The Point積分 = HK$1元)計算。. 相關兌換率會不時更改,而恕不另行通知,商戶將有全權決定權。. 優惠名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。. 不論客戶使用多少張指定信用卡進行兌換,每位客戶於 ...

  2. 申請Citibank私人貸款要符合什麼資格?. 申請人必須為年滿18歲之香港居民,月薪港幣6,000元或以上,並於現職滿3個月以上之全職人士。. 申請貸款的步驟如何?. 步驟1: 選擇貸款產品 首先選擇一款符合您需要的貸款產品。. 步驟2:申請貸款及審批 填妥申請表及 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘海濱道83號One Bay East, Citi Tower
  3. 因應您嘅需要,Citi Mobile® App已全新升級,讓您盡享更快的流動理財新體驗。載入速度更快,全新介面更易操作,分類更簡單清晰,同時安全保障嚴密不變。

  4. 出糧戶口 股票服務 定期存款優惠 環球理財 人民幣服務 支票及儲蓄 綜合貨幣戶口 Citibank 萬事達卡 ® 扣賬卡 Citibank Global Wallet 繳付賬單及轉賬 虛擬扣賬卡/信用卡

  5. Citi PayAll. With Citi PayAll, you can settle daily expenses like rent, utilities and telephone bills and earn credit card points/ rebate with just a few taps! Citi PayAll lets you enjoy better cash flow with up to 58 days pay back period. By setting up recurring payments, you don’t need to worry about late payments again.

  6. Cardholders may redeem up to Eligible Transaction amount in full with Points or available Points at Eligible Card account (whichever is lower). Cardholders must redeem a minimum amount, which is subject to the minimum required Points shown in the Citi Pay with Points page under Zurich’s Online Platform for each redemption.

  7. Earn up to HK$900 rebate! Register Now. From November 9, 2020 till February 28, 2021, earn up to HK$600 Spending Rebate by paying Salaries Tax online with your Citi Mastercard® and making designated spending. Earn an extra up to HK$300 Spending Rebate by turning the related tax payment transaction into easy installments.

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