雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 舊衣回收公司 觀塘 相關

  2. 回收手機配件、液晶顯示器報廢、半導體廢料、電子零件、電纜、. 覆銅板及各類五金。

  3. 碧瑤受政府委聘,提供廢玻璃樽收集及處理服務,以達至減廢目標. 並提供導賞團,讓公眾了解廢玻璃樽回收,處理流程及循環再造流程


  1. 2021年8月20日 · 然而裝修費用完全是海鮮價,究竟裝修要多少錢? 可否分期? 如果急需裝修又如何安排資金? 本文為你一一解構。 裝修要幾錢? 裝修並沒有劃一價錢,2020年消委會報告亦指出,即使索取承建商報價,報價單也未必清晰列出細項收費。 因此所謂裝修預算只能以市面上的裝修案例找出一個約數以現時裝修案例計算最基本的全屋裝修連清拆舊裝修與廚廁平均每平方呎大約HK$850。 至於豪裝預算就沒有一定,完全視乎屋主要求。 以這個計算方法,一個350呎單位裝修約HK$297,500,一個700呎單位裝修約HK$595,000。 留意這只是參考價,實際價錢請自行找報價,相差可以非常大。 裝修是否必須一次過找數? 裝修洗費動輒幾十萬,不少裝修公司有提供分期付款方案。

  2. 渣打「中小企業理財」明白您的業務是獨一無二,所以我們因應您不同的營商需要,由資金管理、業務拓展,到處理風險,甚至提升收益及擴大跨境業務,都致力為您度身設計解決方案。透過渣打銀行網站遞交文件,無需抽空親臨分行,無論何時何地都可以遞交中小企業客戶年度資料更新(只適用於 ...

  3. 渣打銀行香港提供多元化的個人及商業銀行服務,包括信用卡、貸款、儲蓄、按揭、投資及保險等專業理財方案,全面滿足 ...

  4. Should you have any suspicion, please contact our staff at 2886-8868 (press 2-6-0) to authenticate the identity of the caller or sender, or report to Police immediately. Please click here for more information. Be cautious of “Stooge Account” to avoid money laundering – Criminal syndicates would offer the benefit of making quick money and ...

  5. Toggle. Find all ATMS and Branches for Standard Chartered in Hong Kong. We specialise in customer focused personal banking, credit cards, personal and home loans, wealth management, insurance and more.

  6. This hyperlink will bring to you to another website on the Internet, which is published and operated by a third party which is not owned, controlled or affiliated with or in any way related to Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited or any member of Standard Chartered Group ( the "Bank"). ...

  7. 2023年6月23日 · Standard Chartered Hong Kong offers personal and business banking services: bank accounts, credit cards, loans, mortgages, investments, MPF and insurance. Property valuation Important Notice The valuation is provided by Cushman & Wakefield Limited and is