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  1. For your reference, the comparisons below illustrate the differences between a plan with itemised sub-limits and one offering full coverage 1. Assumption: A 30-year-old male has a cardiovascular blockage during the term of a medical plan and requires bypass surgery plus a 3-day hospital stay.

  2. Health & medical. VHIS. Tax saving. Medical expense. September 2023. General medical insurance, critical illness plans, VHIS. Can you tell them apart? The more you know about different medical insurance products, the better the choices you can make for yourself and your family. Special offers.

  3. HSBC Life is a registered VHIS provider (Certification Number: 00042, with effect from 29th May, 2020) All information in the video is update up to August 2020. Issued by HSBC Life (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) General medical insurance, critical illness plans, VHIS. Can you tell them apart?

  4. 治疗癌症的开支可以十分高昂,尤其使用新的化疗及标靶药物会更加昂贵。. 如果不幸癌症扩散或复发,费用更可能远超病人的预算,甚至耗用毕生积蓄,背负沉重经济负担。. 在此情况下,病人不但要承受身体不适,更要承受巨大心理压力。. 要避免如此不幸 ...

  5. 保險定律:早買早安心. 保險公司根據受保人的年齡、吸煙習慣、健康狀況及病歷作核保準則。. 來說,越年輕越健康的人士可以有較低的保費。. 如果等到有病況出現才投保,保費或會增加、計劃加入個別不保事項,甚至被保險公司拒諸門外。. 另外也要留意 ...

  6. What are the key differences between them? And what factors should you consider when choosing a life policy to ensure the best protection for your current life stage? A life insurance policy is one of the most important purchases you could ever make.

  7. 2020年10月. 4 分鐘. 人壽保險有三種:定期、終身、儲蓄,迎合不同人士的需要;當中有什麼分別? 了解清楚,才可為自己挑選合適保障。 限時優惠. 網上投保滙家保並輸入優惠代碼「DEFP09」即享9個月的首年保費豁免(即75折)。 立即投保. 優惠期至2023年12月31日。 受條款及細則約束 。 您可能會有興趣… 產品. 立即訂閱. 選擇您最有興趣的題目,免費訂閱日常保險保障必備知識。 分享此內容.