雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年4月19日 · 恭喜自資專上獎學金計劃得獎者(2016年4月16日). The Self-financing Post-Secondary Scholarship Scheme offers scholarships and awards to students pursing self-financing sub-degree or bachelor’s degree programmes. The five types of scholarships are: Outstanding Performance Scholarship, Best Progress Award, Talent Development ...

  2. 明愛專上學院及明愛白英奇專業學校2022年度聯校畢業典禮已於1 月 完滿結束,共有1,023名同學自兩校畢業,踏上全新旅程。. 畢業並非終點,而是另一精彩起點。. 明專及白英奇恭喜一眾畢業同學,並祝福你們前程錦繡。. 希望同學繼續自強不息,亦歡迎隨時回來 ...

  3. 2021年7月19日 · 19 Jul 2021. 明愛專上學院 (CIHE)健康科學院獲「 謝碧蓉基金 」 (Joyce M. Kuok Foundation)捐助,為 物理治療學榮譽理學士 課程提供特別獎學金,謝碧蓉基金將於2021/22學年開始,連續四年資助合共800萬港元,予入讀物理治療學榮譽理學士的一年級學生,達到獎學金要求的同學,首年學費將全數轄免。 CIHE已於7月16日為此物理治療特別獎學金舉行傳媒簡介會。 凡DSE最佳五科成績達22分或以上的應屆考生,於2021/22學年成功入讀明愛專上學院物理治療學榮譽理學士一年級,均可獲得是項特別獎學金。 課程第一年學費為154,350港元,在扣除指定專業/界別課程資助計劃的76,800元資助後,剩餘的77,550港元學費將由獎學金 全數資助 。

  4. The Self-financing Post-Secondary Scholarship Scheme offers scholarships and awards to students pursing self-financing sub-degree or bachelor’s degree programmes. The five types of scholarships are: Outstanding Performance Scholarship, Best Progress Award ...

  5. 2016年4月19日 · The Self-financing Post-Secondary Scholarship Scheme offers scholarships and awards to students pursing self-financing sub-degree or bachelor’s degree programmes. The five types of scholarships are: Outstanding Performance Scholarship, Best Progress Award ...

  6. Dr CHUI Chun Kit PhD (HK) Senior Lecturer Department of Computer Science The University of Hong Kong Dr LI Minming PhD TsinghuaAssociate Professor Department of Computer Science City University of Hong Kong Prof NGO Chong-Wah PhD HKUST, SrMIEEE, ACM (Distinguished Scientist)

  7. Institute / College Scholarship 2018/19 學院獎學金 2018/19 Congratulations to all of the following awardees 恭賀以下所有得獎者 Caritas Institute of Higher Education 明愛專上學院 Caritas Bianchi College of Careers 明愛白英奇專業學校 First Scholarship第一名奬