雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在選擇適合自己的財務方案前,除了要了解清楚供車上會計算方法外,準車主還有一點需要注意! 因為傳統汽車貸款大多要經車行或代理代辦,上會同時需強制性購買「全保」,亦同時需交出「牌簿」作為上會抵押品,「牌簿」待還款完成後才會歸還予車主。 至於供車上會利率如何計算? 其實大多數經紀提供的汽車貸款利率都是因人而異。 雖說很多二手車行會為選擇汽車貸款的客人提供額外的車價折扣,但其實所提供的上會方案未必是最實惠,利率或會較高。 萬一遇到資金問題需要周轉,想賣車套現,該怎樣辦? 首先要了解的是,很多情況下在供款期間賣車,是需要先向有關機構清還尾數「贖會」才行。 此外,車主在選擇汽車貸款前,應當深入了解所選擇的財務機構會否就提前清還尾數,而收取多項手續費或服務費,或是否需要罰息等等。

  2. Online Enquiry. Promise’s branches are all over Hong Kong, including Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Kwun Tong, etc. Find your local branch now. Call our hotline at 31991199 or apply online.

  3. 特別是8字尾,如$68,888、$88,888,同發財的「發」字近音,取其好意頭。另外,也可選9字結尾或$100,000 ,意指長長久久、十全十美。 問:過大禮禮金等於包羅萬有利是?答:非也。包羅萬有利是用來取代過大禮禮品,女家需回禮 ...

  4. www.promise.com.hk › en › faqFAQ | Promise HK

    Browse all the FAQs to find out about the loan application and approval process, handling fees, settlement, revolving loan, and repayment. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively.

  5. 8大最常見借貸原因. 立即申請. 信用卡有結欠,或是有其他私人貸款,同樣能夠申請貸款。 邦民為你拆解借貸謬誤,只需要避免留下負面信貸紀錄,就能較輕易獲得貸款批核,適量借貸幫您更易達到財務目標。

  6. 2018年8月31日 · 31 August 2018 Our Company has received numerous complaints from customers concerning fraudulent impersonation of our current or former staff and agents, to promote credit products. Fraudsters even use intimidate means to force bankruptcy or immediate loan ...

  7. The maximum loan amount for "Freelancer" will be HK$100,000. Repayment period of No-doc Loan for Self-employed varies from 3 to 84 months. Assuming a loan amount of HK$200,000, with monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%) and a repayment period of 36 months with no handling fee, the monthly repayment amount will be HK$5,940.

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