雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. そのような、日本全国の皆様にとってビジネスチャンスに満ちた魅力な消費者がいるのが香港の訪日旅行市場です。 また、マカオは、人口68万人と少ないですが、訪日客数は12万人を超える高密度マーケット(香港・台湾に次いで世界第3位!)です。

  2. 訪日外國人患病、受傷時主要聯繫方式. 疾病,受傷時,請確認以下內容後,搜索醫療機構諮詢窗口或接受治療醫療機構。. 請與 中登載您所在都道府縣諮詢窗口聯繫。. ※在非開設時間,請與厚生勞動省新冠感染症諮詢窗口聯繫。. (0120-565-653). 請根據 ...

  3. Download the JNTO Official Travel App for public transportation transit search, navigation, map, offline features, travel tips, disaster information and other useful functions and information.

  4. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey.

  5. JNTO 공식 앱 Japan Official Travel App 은 환승 검색, 안내, 지도, 오프라인 장소 검색, 재해 정보 등 여행에 도움이 되는 정보가 가득합니다. 꼭 다운로드해서 이용해보세요.

  6. 各国・地域別 日本人訪問者数〔日本から各国・地域への到着者数〕(2017年~2021年). ⽇本⼈旅⾏者の国別訪問者数については、各国の受⼊国統計やUNWTOの統計から情報⼊⼿可能な範囲で転記しJNTOでまとめています。. 各国が公表した⽇本⼈来訪者数(受⼊国 ...

  7. This is also true in travel. Your smart device is a tool to expand the enjoyment of what you eat, what you see, and what you buy when traveling. It is a tool you use to share what you saw, what you felt during your trip. If you have a smart device, you can safely wander anywhere in Japan all alone. Japan is equipped with mobile communications ...

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