雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年7月29日 · 30歲的香港擊劍選手江旻憓(Vivian)在第三次參加奧運會時,奪得了她的首面個人奧運金牌。 在今屆奧運會上,Vivian與東道主劍手瑪露比頓(Auriane Mallo-Breton)一決高下。

  2. 香港劍后」兼2020年「《旭茉JESSICA》成功女性大獎」得主江旻憓(Vivian)於女子重劍決賽後來居上,擊敗法國劍手Auriane Mallo-Breton,勇奪金牌,為港隊摘下今屆奧運的第一金。

  3. 訪問以前,只在報刊上見過Vivian打劍的英姿,新聞圖片未有反映她甜美的一面。 終於跟世界冠軍見面,她擁有天使般的臉龐,掛著紅蘋果般的笑臉,像個害羞的中學生,看不出她有25歲,更有機會問鼎世界重劍一姐。

  4. www.jessicahk.com › page › about-usAbout Us

    Since 2000, JESSICA has been the leading platform for women's empowerment in Hong Kong, inspiring and connecting influential women and aspiring successful women across the globe. As the biggest women's platform powered by community, JESSICA celebrates and recognizes the achievements of women who are making a positive impact in the world.

  5. JESSICA: Hong Kong's leading women's lifestyle platform, empowering the next generation through inspiring content on career, fashion, beauty, health, arts & culture. Be your best self with JESSICA.

  6. JESSICA: Hong Kong's leading women's lifestyle platform, empowering the next generation through inspiring content on career, fashion, beauty, health, arts & culture. Be your best self with JESSICA.

  7. 香港賽馬會呈獻系列:圓明園——清代皇家園居文化」展覽透過展出逾190件珍貴文物,重現有「萬園之園」美譽的皇家園林——圓明園的昔日輝煌,並以新穎的策展手法,講述清代宮廷歷史、生活和藝術的故事。

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