雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 無論是白天或是黑夜。日本華麗麗的外表從未退去過它的光彩。在此,我們為您嚴選了20段精彩視頻,向您展現從太陽升起到日落時分,從農家田野到湖海山林,以及一些大都市的迷人夜景。主要城市有東京,京都和大阪。

  2. 2017年6月30日 · The world famous Shibuya crossing seen at night! Tokyo Aglow will drive all of you train lovers crazy. This time-lapse video exclusively focuses on train journeys, tracks and streets. Also check out Aerial Arterial by the same creators, showing you Tokyo from above! Finally, our journey takes us a bit back in time.

  3. 位於日本北部的東北地區以冬季絕景聞名,但這次為了證明東北一年四季都值得走訪,All About Japan 特別與日本政府觀光局 (JNTO) 攜手,將帶你造訪魅力的春日東北。. 【大分自由行】解密湯布院溫泉街!. 交通・景點・美食・住宿一次滿足!. 溫泉 大分. 湯布院 ...

  4. 香港人很喜歡日本,雖然平均每個人都會一年去日本好幾次,對日本有一定熟悉,但大家還好像對日本的各種事物有不同的幻想跟憧憬,就好像今天我們要討論的主題「跟日本人交往談戀愛」。香港男生總幻想有個溫柔體貼安靜的日本女朋友,而香港女生總希望有個跟傑尼斯系的帥哥來一個日劇式的 ...

  5. 2019年6月12日 · The video is by Aramadas, a video production company based out of Japan that also brought us a beautiful video about festivals, and contains just over four and a half minutes of stunning night shots of Tokyo and Yokohama. According to the video description, the scenes were taken from an airplane using an 8K camera, which is why every single ...

  6. 2019年2月20日 · The film, recorded by French filmmaker and visual travelogue pioneer Constant Girel, was filmed on January 9, 1897, in Tokyo, and not in the far-flung outskirts of the capital. The street where Girel set up his camera was in the Nihonbashi district, not far from the Imperial Palace, and to show just how much the neighborhood has changed in the ...

  7. 位於鎌倉的長谷寺以常年皆有不同花卉可供鑑賞,一年四季吸引無數遊客,被譽為鎌倉地區賞花首選。 特別是初夏的紫陽花季更是頗負盛名,眺望步道沿途多達2,500株的紫陽花一同綻放,花團錦簇的美景加上鎌倉特有的海景, 相輔相成相映成趣,讓原本遊客如織的長谷寺,一到夏天人潮總是絡繹不絕。

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