雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年1月6日 · London. Standard Chartered announced plans to increase its push into supporting clients across Asia, Africa and the Middle East with sustainable financing by appointing a Head of Sustainable Finance for Greater China and North Asia, effective today.

  2. Standard Chartered incorporated its Hong Kong business on 1 July 2004, and now operates as a licensed bank in Hong Kong under the name of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Chartered PLC. Standard Chartered is a leading international banking group, with a presence in 53 of the world’s most ...

  3. 「跨境理財通」是一項創新的金融合作計劃,讓香港居民可以通過渣打銀行香港分行,投資粵港澳大灣區內地的指定理財產品,同時享受稅務優惠和匯率保護。點擊了解更多關於「跨境理財通」的詳情,包括申請資格、投資額度、產品種類和風險等。

  4. 2023年12月1日 · 由即日起至2024年6月29日,以新資金開立12 個月 「亞洲萬里通」定期存款並達以下累積金額及同時開立外匯定期存款戶口*可獲得以下額外獎賞:. 累積新資金金額. 限時額外獎賞. 港元200,000 / 美元26,000或以上. 8,000里數. 由即日起至2024年6月29日,渣打國泰Mastercard ...

  5. The principal place of business of the Jersey Branch of Standard Chartered Bank is: 15 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8PT. Standard Chartered Bank is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference Number ZC18. The Principal Office of the Company is situated in England at 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC2V 5DD.

  6. 1 天前 · 你不可不知的3大信用卡用法. 根據金管局公布,2021年第3季在香港市面流通的信用卡總數為1,918萬張¹ !. 日常生活都可以透過Banking賺盡獎賞!. 打工仔原來有3招慳稅?. 現金套現同現金透支利息可以差10倍?. 除左碌卡消費之外,信用卡仲有咩用法?. 即撳入黎睇!.

  7. The Bank would like to remind clients not to disclose any personal information to suspicious callers or transfer funds to third party accounts. The Bank has not authorized or appointed any intermediaries to conduct marketing activities of loan. If in doubt, you may verify the caller details with the Bank by calling our hotline at 2886-8868 ...

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