雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. cef course list hku 相關

  2. 專業烘焙課程,課程務求與時並進,以及提升學員對廚務管理的專業知識和技巧。CEF西廚及烘焙課程. 訓練年輕人進入廚藝飲食世界,成為專業廚師。加強學員實際操作能力及專業知識,立即了解更多。

  3. 提供 飲食業CEF 課程,專業廚藝烹飪學校,課程非常實用,是您學廚首選。 此課程了解中式食肆的運作與關係,再配合食材的加工準備及烹調工作,


  1. HKU SPACE provides the largest offering of Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursable courses in Hong Kong.

  2. HKU SPACE 是香港擁有最多持續進修基金 (CEF) 可發還款項課程之專上院校。

  3. HKU SPACE 62年嚟一直為大家提供各式各樣嘅優質課程,我哋更加係全港擁有最多「CEF課程」嘅學院!. 雪糕哲學. 俾你創業,你會冬天定夏天賣雪糕?. 呢條問題,正常人都一定會揀夏天啦,不過台塑集團創辦人,被譽為台灣「經營之神」嘅王永慶先生就話你知 ...

  4. The following courses have been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund (CEF) purposes: The mother programme (Master of Science in Finanial Technology and Data Analytics) of these courses is recognized under the Qualification Framework (QF Level 6).

  5. 突破才能極限 2023 年熱門CEF課程推介. 時間不等人!. 全人類一度經歷時間巨輪的停擺,有人按下人生暫停鍵,但更多人選擇不斷尋求突破。. 據政府統計,單是由2019至2022年度持續進修基金資助的申領數字就飆升了150%!. 立即跟上步伐,不落後於人!. 活用進修 ...

  6. Students who successfully pass* the programme are eligible to the Diploma in General English award under the HKU System through HKU SPACE. *By passing the programme, students have to meet the following in each of the two modules: Attendance requirement: fulfil 70% of the total 90 face-to-face lecture hours; and.

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