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    2024年2月27日 · First on the list is Barcelona's Boqueria Market in Spain. A major tourist attraction in the city, Boqueria Market is the city's oldest market and a must-see for foodies. .......

  2. 2015年1月1日 · Discovered in the Dunhuang Caves (敦煌石窟) in Gansu Province (甘肅省), the five-meter scroll was a copy of the Buddhist Diamond Sutra. Over time, the cumbersome rolling and unrolling of scrolls sparked new innovations in binding. The first new style to develop was folded sutra binding (經摺裝), also known as concertina binding, in ...

  3. Original Western-style buildings, traditional grocery hawkers, bakeries, and incense shops are still found in the area today. The Xinxiehe Chinese Medicine Store (新協和藥行, which has been in business for more than a century), Bangka Church (built by George Mackay, the first Western missionary to Taiwan), and Qingshan Temple (青山宮, a national historic site) are all located on ...

  4. 漢娜‧路易斯‧波絲頓是個購物狂,而她也知道自己有這個問題。她決定做點什麼:除了日常必需品,一整年都不買東西。她把這項挑戰稱為「一年不買東西」,並把整個挑戰的過程錄下來上傳YouTube。 在定下這項挑戰前,波絲頓過去會花整個下午在絲芙蘭(編按:此為美國一家連鎖化妝品店)血拚 ...

  5. 2020年5月26日 · 一個真正歷久不衰的標誌幫助紐約市度過艱難時期。 本圖提供 Savvapanf Photo / Shutterstock.com. ←iOS用戶點擊左方圖示,即可收聽講解音檔. Packed with shiny skyscrapers , New York City is one of the biggest and wealthiest cities in the world. It’s...

  6. 連鎖店∕集團. Family Mart, 7-ELEVEN, and OK Mart are just a few of Taiwan’s many convenience store chains. 全家便利商店、7-ELEVEN 和 OK 便利商店只是臺灣許多便利商店連鎖集團的其中幾家而已。 5. pick up (生意、經濟等)改進,好轉. The economy is...

  7. 最新最炫都在這!. This is where to go for the newest, hippest foods in the world—and the rest of the groceries, too. 這裡是你能找到世上最新、最炫食物的地方 —— 還有其他的食品雜貨。. It can be challenging to get a new company started,...

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