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  1. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0061常春藤e起學英語

    Harvard University and other institutes have carried out research on the effects of poor posture. These effects are not just limited to back and neck pain. Poor posture puts extra stress on muscles...

  2. 近日國際討論度最高的新聞莫過於烏克蘭與俄羅斯之間的衝突,究竟整起事件的原由為何? 要如何和外國友人聊這則大事? 就讓我們從備受全球關注的「烏俄衝突」認識相關英文吧! ... 閱讀全文. 一張紙最多能對折幾次? Folding Paper: It’s Not for the Weak. MAR.1,2022/Analytical Editors. How many times can a...

  3. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0061常春藤e起學英語

    答案是可以的喔! 全民英檢總共分為五個等級,你可以衡量自己的英文實力,來報考適合自己的英檢考試。 閱讀全文. The Annual Explosion of Color in Autumn 秋葉啊秋葉! 你為什麼這麼紅? OCT.5,2020/Bruce E. Bagnell. The island of Taiwan has a great variety of climatic...

  4. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0061常春藤e起學英語

    2023年12月12日 · DEC. 05,2023/Analytical Editors They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. That is, simply looking into a person's eyes can reveal details about what they are thinking and how they are feeling. In fact, in the animal kingdom, the eyes, and can actually ...

  5. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0061常春藤e起學英語

    2021年8月17日 · AUG.13,2021/Connie. 經過一年多的時間,世界各地依然遭受新冠肺炎病毒的肆虐,西方大國大量購買疫苗讓民眾接種,生活似乎逐漸回到正常軌道;反倒原先身為防疫優等生的亞洲國家如今卻紛紛失守。. 尤其近日發現全球傳染性最強,造成重症機率最高的 ...

  6. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0061常春藤e起學英語

    ... 閱讀全文. 你今天多巴胺穿搭了嗎? Get Motivated with Dopamine Dressing. FEB. 07,2024 / Analytical Editors. A new term referring to the idea of wearing clothes that make you feel happy and boost your mood has...

  7. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0061常春藤e起學英語

    2023年9月4日 · Bouldering, which literally means climbing on boulders, doesn’t need ropes or harnesses that are necessary for rock climbing ... . 如果你在找尋某種冒險以及體能挑戰,你可能會想試試看抱石。. 這項活動包含在小石頭結構上或人造石墻上自由攀登。....

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