雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2015年6月25日 · 中國匣:西方人角度來看香港回歸. 搜尋. Google. 非常明顯,《中國匣》中的陳老闆(許冠文)代表「香港」,而鞏俐飾演的Vivian是個中國內地來港不久的風塵女子,象徵著「中國」。. Vivian和陳老闆同居,曾多次要求結婚,但陳總支吾以對,為了應付她父母壓力 ...

  2. 2010年10月29日 · 香港電影評論學會再辦十大選舉,便是對於經典電影名單的再次檢視與更新。 是次選舉結果如下: 香港電影十大: 阿飛正傳(王家衛,1990) 英雄本色(吳宇森,1986) 東邪西毒(王家衛,1994) 無間道(劉偉強、麥兆輝,2002) 父母心(秦劍,1955) 董夫人(唐書璇,1970) 第一類型危險(徐克,1980) 半邊人(方育平,1983) 胭脂扣(關錦鵬,1988) 西遊記(上、下集)(劉鎮偉,1995) 華語電影十大: 小城之春(費穆,1948) 悲情城市(侯孝賢,1989) 神女(吳永剛,1934) 牯嶺街少年殺人事件(楊德昌,1991) 黃土地(陳凱歌,1984) 一一(楊德昌,2000) 俠女(胡金銓,1971) 站台(賈樟柯,2000) 大路(孫瑜,1934)

  3. 2017年9月9日 · Hong Kong cinema’s lessened output is partly responsible, but with China’s rising film output, one might wonder why China filmmakers haven’t picked up the slack and produced more kung fu flicks. China actually does produce some of those films (Who Am I

  4. 2017年8月2日 · Her latest films - the fictional feature She, A Chinese and the documentary Once Upon a Time Proletarian: 12 Tales of a Country - were made with European funds; her next, an adaptation of her novel UFO in Her Eyes, is produced by German-Turkish filmmaker

  5. 2017年8月4日 · Google. Earlier this year, local documentary makers Tammy Cheung Hung and Augustine Lam Wai-hung travelled through the hinterlands of Sichuan, filming interviews with villagers who lost nearly everything in the earthquakes that tore through the province two years ago.

  6. 2017年7月15日 · The survival of a print into the 21st century has further burnished Song of China's significance as a rare link to Chinese cinema's pre-talkie years.

  7. 2017年8月4日 · A mature look at colonialism. 搜尋. Google. On the surface, Yim Ho seems poles apart from his subject. Yim is a filmmaker from a family of intellectuals, while the latter is a fisherman's son who outgrew his modest roots - he started education when he was 20 - to become a high-flying executive with the Swire Group.

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