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  1. 香港科技園公司(「HKSTP」或「本公司」)提醒用戶及公眾人士慎防聲稱來自本公司的偽冒網頁。HKSTP的品牌資料 (包括商標、名稱及圖像元素)在未經授權的情況下於該網頁上被使用。HKSTP的官方網頁為 https://www.hkstp.org,用戶及公眾人士應注意確認 ...

  2. 2014年9月25日 · Hong Kong Science Park Phase 3 development exemplifies the three key environmental concepts of reduction, efficiency and generation, with carbon neutral as the long-term goal of this project. The first three buildings are officially open today while the completion of the remaining two will happen in two years’ time.

  3. 2014年9月25日 · 香港科學園第三期正式開幕 透過擴闊科技社群 推動本地科研發展. 2014年09月25日. ### 傳媒如有查詢,請聯絡: pr@hkstp.org 。 了解更多科學園資訊,請瀏覽: 新聞發布室 。 聯絡我們. (香港2014年9月25日)- 香港科技園公司(「科技園公司」)宣佈香港科學園(「科學園」)第三期今天正式開幕整個項目由構思至執行貫徹突破性設計思維以匯聚科技社群推動創新科技發展並將初創企業及高科技產業文化帶向高峰。 連同新啟用的科學園第三期先進科研辦公室設施、全面和專業的培育服務計劃,及遍佈全球的科技投資者及商業服務網絡,科技園公司將致力促進跨科技領域的協作及蓬勃發展,助科研精英實踐無限可能,讓社會各界人士盡享科技優勢。

  4. Following on the success of Phases 1 and 2 developments, Hong Kong Science Park Phase 3 provides an exciting home for technology start-ups and giants alike. Green technology is one of our key technology clusters, and Phase 3, our new eco-friendly development in the Science Park, exemplifies our commitment to building a sustainable future.

  5. HONG KONG SCIENCE PARK PHASE 3 DEVELOPMENT. The project involved construction of specialist laboratories, research and development (R&D) offices, food and beverage centres, car parking facilities and extensive landscaped space, covering a total construction floor area of 153,000 square metres on a 6.24-hectare site at Pak Shek Kok.

  6. Client. Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. Architect. Simon Kwan & Associates. Hong Kong Science Park aims to be one of the most sustainable science precincts in Asia. Phase 3 took these ambitions one step further with precinct-wide high-performance design across five buildings.

  7. The Hong Kong Science Park Phase 3 development pushed the boundaries on reduction, efficiency and generation. Using our expertise in sustainable technologies and materials, we project managed one of the most environmentally friendly buildings in Hong