雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 此計算機只適用於計算 年齡介乎18至65歲的僱員 (臨時僱員除外) 的首次供款。. 此計算機並不適用於僱員因業務擁有權轉讓或集團內調職而轉至新僱主的公司工作,或僱員於首次供款所涵蓋的任何一個供款期內離職或到達65歲之情況。. 香港滙豐. 滙豐強積金(MPF ...

  2. First Contribution Calculator. The calculator is only applicable for calculating the first contributions for employees (other than casual employees) between the ages of 18 and 65.

  3. 全港唯一連續2年同時榮獲「最佳強積金計劃」及「僱主之選」的強積金供應商[@mpf-rating2024] 榮獲逾50項業界殊榮及獎項* 了解更多滙豐強積金獲授的獎項及殊榮。

  4. MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits are payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or on early retirement on or after reaching age 60. The accrued benefits can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments, at the Member’s election.

  5. Transfer and consolidate your MPF accrued benefits into an HSBC MPF personal account today to manage your MPF more easily. See how to open an account today.

  6. 2021年10月29日 · 《全港最多人用的強積金(MPF)供款公式大全》 《強積金(MPF):兼職員工是否需要登記?》 《非月薪僱員如何計算MPF?》 《少於60日的僱傭合約,真的可以不為僱員登記MPF嗎?》 《不符合418的僱員是否需要登記 MPF?》 《強積金供款(MPF

  7. The expected annual MPF investment return, which the user inputs, is the figure after fees have been deducted (i.e. net of fees and charges). Voluntary contributions (if any) are made as a percentage of the relevant income per month.

  8. Thank you for choosing HSBC MPF for your employees. In this guide, we cover three key areas you need to know when managing an MPF scheme, these include enroling new employees, making contributions and terminating employees.

  9. 2021年8月5日 · 詳細教你如何計算供款,包括散工、長工、兼職;也會講解不同年齡、是否入職滿60天繳納MPF供款等不同注意事項。 若未能定期繳納僱員強積金,一旦情況屬實,積金局有權向拖欠供款的僱主徵收罰款。

  10. 退休策劃計算機. 只需輸入相關數據,便可推算出你在65歲時的強積金及其他退休儲備是否符合你個人的退休需要。 立即行動 ,策劃你的退休大計。

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