雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年7月23日 · KYC是一個容許企業在區塊鏈上進行客戶身份認證的程式,能更快更容易地建立和執行智能合約。 IoT是一個讓現實生活中所有物件以互聯網形式分享資訊的系統。 區塊鏈對汽車保險行業會造成甚麼影響? 區塊鏈能儲存大量準確且可靠的資訊,讓保險公司能輕易掌握客戶數據及有關其需求的資料。 區塊鏈技術在保險行業有數個潛在用途,以下為數個行內較為具體的預測: 索償程序更有效率. 當文件上傳至區塊鍊後,將會永久儲存在網上。 區塊鏈能從多個不同的源頭提取數據,無需竄改任何信息,讓保險公司能快捷簡易地查詢投保人的保險戶口、索償歷史以及其他相關資料。 保費價格下降. 車載資訊系統(Telematics): 保險業已使用車載資訊系統來定立汽車保險保費一段時間,但IoT的革命性技術,將來很可能會成為新的標準。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • What to Do After A Traffic Accident in Hong Kong
    • Things to Know About Traffic Accident Settlement
    • Car Crash/Traffic Accident Insurance Claims
    • Which Insurances May Cover Traffic Accidents?

    "Tailing the car in front too closely", "speeding", "losing control of your vehicle", and "changing lanes or turning at inopportune/the wrong times" are the top 4 most common causes of traffic accidents. Having said that, different scenarios require a different handling procedure:

    Vehicle repair fees are usually less than HKD $15,000 in most traffic accidents that occur in Hong Kong. As a result, a mild accident that causes neither injuries nor death, and doesn't involve any third-party property damage (aside from scratches or a light bumping into), you can certainly consider asking for a settlement. Contact the involved par...

    Judgment of negligence

    As an independent third-party, the police will need to get involved and investigate to determine which party is responsible for the accident if both parties in a car accident cannot reach a consensus, or if it involves a large amount of insurance compensation (more than HKD $15,000). Hopefully, the claimant will take the initiative in asking the police to conduct a formal investigation. After the investigations are completed, in most cases, one of the involved parties will prosecute against t...

    1. Car insurance

    Hong Kong law stipulates that any vehicle driving on the road must have car insurance to protect all road users. This is divided into "third-party" and "comprehensive". Third-party insurance compensates for the third party’s property damage and personal injury in the accident, but does not extend this protection to the policyholder's car. Comprehensive plans, on the other hand, cover third-parties in addition to the policyholder's car.

    2. Accident insurance

    Usually, it's possible to claim compensation for your medical expenses from the other party and their car insurance company in a crash if they were the cause of it. However, you will not be able to claim compensation from a third party's car insurance under these circumstances: 1. If you caused the car accident 2. If your car broke down because it collided into an object 3. If the other party drove off after the collision, Moreover, if your car insurance will not compensate you for your perso...

    3. Voluntary health insurance

    Divided into a standard plan and a flexible plan, voluntary health insurance (VHIS)can also help you out if you are unfortunately injured in a traffic accident. *** Disclaimer: The information mentioned in this article does not constitute advice for handling traffic accidents under any circumstances. The information contained on this webpage is intended to explain the traffic accidents and claims process that usually occurs in Hong Kong. It does not involve any personal views, responsibilitie...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 2024年4月2日 · 今次快而保為大家分享申請港車北上的多個必知事項,除了申請 8 大步驟、轉換內地駕駛執照、辦理高速公路電子收費 ETC 外,還特別講解有關港車北上所需的保險,是否只有強交險便已經足夠? 一旦在內地遇到意外應該點應對? 通關流程又如何? 延伸閱讀: 港車北上申請 8 大步驟. 港車北上申請手續及司機資格. 港車北上汽車申請要求. 私家車須為非營運私家車. 車牌必須以個人名義持有,不接受公司名義持有. 私家車須為 8 座位 (包括司機)或以下、車長不超過 6 米. 港車北上司機申請要求. 申請人須持有有效香港居民身份證及回鄉卡. 司機須持有香港及內地的私家車車牌(換領內地車牌流程可見下文) 申請人須為申請私家車的登記車主. 第一步:網上申請參加抽籤. 到運輸署 「港車北上」網站 參加抽籤。

  3. 2024年4月5日 · 法律責任. 確保車輛在過戶前已繳清所有 交通違例 罰款,另外可註明車輛不涉及擁有權糾紛或其他由該車輛引起的法律責任 。 車輛完成過戶後,所有法律責任則由買方負責。 附加事項. 按交易情況及買賣雙方商議下,可加入有關交易的附加事項,例如售後保養期及範圍、驗車費用、退訂機制或取消交易安排等。 汽車臨時買賣合約 PDF 範本下載. 簽二手車買賣合約時的注意事項. 簽訂二手車輛買賣合約時,除了列明上述所列的資料,同時也要注意下列事項: 仔細閱讀合約條款才簽署.

  4. 2023年12月18日 · 香港居民身份證. 有效香港駕駛執照. 回鄉證. 內地認可醫院檢查證明書(可於辦理地點的自助體檢機進行) 4 張證件相(可於辦理點的自助拍照機進行) 免試換內地駕照:相片要求. 32mm x 22mm 彩色. 正面. 不可戴帽. 人像頭部應佔相片長度約 2/3. 白色背景. 免試換內地駕照:申請收費. *如同一時間申請 C1/C2 類及 E 類,只須繳付人民幣 480 元. 免試換內地駕照:換領流程. 1.

  5. 2018年7月18日 · KYC is an application that allows secure users/clients identification on the blockchain. It will allow faster and easier creation and execution of the smart contracts. IoT is a network of connected objects that share information with each other and other systems.

  6. 2022年10月27日 · 3 crucial steps in handling a road accident. Statistics from the Transport Department (TD) revealed that there are about 16,000-17,000 road accidents in Hong Kong every year, of which about 14,000 are minor accidents.

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