雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. oah old age home 相關

  2. Old Age Home資料庫,網上配對程式,更輕鬆容易搜尋院舍資訊。費用全免! 提供Old Age Home概況,院舍圖片、收費及雜費概覽,令您掌握院舍資訊。免費服務!


  1. 3 home care programmes. Community Geriatrics Assessment Service (CGAS): old age home residents. Integrated Care Model (ICM/IDSP): high risk elderly at home. Virtual Ward (VW): patients near end-of-life.

  2. 地址: 香港皇后大道西115-119號僑發大廈1字樓. 電話號碼: 2547 0998. 附加電話號碼: 2547 0128. 傳真號碼: 2547 0100. 電子郵箱: tungfongsw@denos.com.hk. 網址: 沒有. 備註: 部分聯絡資料尚待安老院及/或認可服務單位提交. 宿位. 牌照. 服務質素. 人手、設施及服務. 護理安老宿位買位計劃(改善買位計劃) 免責條款:社署長者資訊網內個別安老院及/或認可服務單位的服務概覽所提供的資料只供參考之用。

  3. 個人化空間. 優質床上用品. 以人為本.獨立自主. 家居設計人性化,讓長者擁有自主獨立決定及設計的環境和空間,我們設有冷暖氣設備通風系統、電動床、獨立洗手間、召援鈴服務、有鎖床頭櫃和衣櫃,並鼓勵將空間家居化,加上廣闊的空間方便家人與長者相聚,開放心靈,積極聯繫溝通,互相通融。 與家相連.愛在其中. 我們鼓勵長者將他們昔日重視的家品、珍藏品帶進這個家當中,加强他們在家的歸屬感,在晚年真正達到「老有所屬」,生活在愛中。 貼心照顧.體弱無憂. 我們為不同需要的長者提供貼心、貼身照顧,例如為長期卧床的長者特別添置了減壓床褥,減低出現褥瘡的機會。 另外亦提供電動升降沐浴床及沐浴椅,除可協助行動不便之長者保持個人衛生之外,亦可令長期卧床之長者能舒適及安全地進行沐浴。

  4. 2008年9月2日 · Website: http://www.cadenza.hk. Elderly with chronic disabling illness such as stroke, chronic lung and heart disease, or dementia living at home depend on family carers. Currently there is a long waiting list for government subvented old age home (OAH) places, although for all types of OAH overall there are vacancies.

  5. Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) in Hong Kong are operated by non-governmental organisations, non-profit making organisations and private organisations. In accordance with the mode of operation, RCHEs are generally classified into four types: Subvented Homes.

  6. which were mainly old age homes (OAH) 雖然綜合所有類別的老人院後尚有剩餘宿位,但 仍有很多長者輪候政府資助的老人院 Long waiting list for government subvented OAH places, although for all types of OAH overall there are vacancies 9 捐助機構:

  7. This study examined psychosocial factors associated with the acceptance of long-term placement in old age homes (OAHs) among 185 elderly Chinese in Hong Kong. Participants were recruited from local community centers for elderly people and were individually interviewed on their willingness to enter OAHs, attitudes toward OAHs, perceived mental ...