雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2024年8月2日 · 12句實用電郵句子. 1/ You may refer to the attached document for details. 你可以參閱附件以了解更多詳情。 2/ Kindly refer to the attached document. 請查閱附件。 3/ As requested, the report is attached. 根據要求,已附上報告。 4/ I am attaching XXX for your consideration. 附上XXX供你參考。 5/ I am sending you XXX as an attachment. 我將XXX作為附件發送給你。 6/ I''ve attached the updated document. 附上我們最新的文件。

  2. 2023年10月3日 · "Please find attached" is a common phrase used in emails to alert the recipient that an important document is included, ensuring it doesn't go overlooked. The phrase is formal and widely accepted in professional settings. It's like the digital equivalent of handing someone a document in a meeting while saying, "Here you go."

    • As Per Our Previous Conversation 就先前我們的談話
    • Attached Please Find… 附件是…
    • Herewith 隨函
    • Perusal 仔細研究
    • Please Be advised... 我(們)要通知你...

    這個用法二十幾年很流行,很多每封 Email 的開頭都是「as per」,但時下商業溝通講求精簡,這樣說顯得老套,而且 previous 很多餘,直接用 As we discussed / As discussed 就好。 ● As per your request ... => As you requested ● As per our agreement ... => As we agreed ● As per your instructions ... => As you instructed

    以前人們依賴紙本信件溝通,「Enclosed please find….」也曾經風行一時。但年輕一輩發現,根本沒有任何東西要「find」,這麼寫看起來像律師函,沒道理。還有人會用 please see attached,這也不自然。現在大家更愛用 I'm attaching / I've attached,或直接用 Attached is…。 ● Attached please find the following receipt. =>Attached is the receipt. (附上收據)

    Herewith、hereby、herein 這些都很拗口,雖然有些文化悠久的商號還改不了口,但直接用 here 更簡要。 ● attached herewith => attached is, here is

    這個字少見少用,但還真有一位在外商銀行工作的學生寫信就用了這個字,他說在網路學到就用了,這個字改成 review 更自然。以精簡原則修改,原來長長一串的 email 只要一句話:As discussed, here is the revised marketing campaign for Q2 for your review.

    這個詞聽起來也太官樣,像銀行寄信告訴你貸款到期的那種信。直接去掉即可。 ● Please be advised that the check is overdue. => "The check is overdue."

  3. 2020年9月25日 · Attached herewith please find the revised proposal for your perusal. (就先前我們談過的我寫信來是要追蹤我們先前對於第二季行銷活動的決定。 附件是修正後的計劃書,請提供您寶貴意見。

    • As per our previous conversation/就先前我們的談話.....這個用法20幾年前很流行,很多每封Email的開頭都是「as per」,但時下商業溝通講求精簡,這樣說顯得老套,而且previous很多餘,直接用As we discussed/As discussed就好。
    • Attached please find.../附件是…...以前人們依賴紙本信件溝通,「Enclosed please find…」也曾經風行一時。
    • Herewith/隨函。Herewith、hereby、herein這些都很拗口,雖然有些文化悠久的商號還改不了口,但直接用here更簡要。attached herewith=> attached is﹑here is。
    • Perusal/仔細研究。這個字少見少用,但還真有一位在外資銀行工作的學生寫信就用了這個字,他說在網路學到就用了,這個字改成review更自然。以精簡原則修改,原來長長一串的email只要一句話:
  4. 剛到外商公司上班的Nancy寫了一封報價的e-mail給客戶,她在信中寫道「Please find attached the quote for your requested equipment.」(您所詢問的設備報價單,請看附件),結果這一句話被公司前輩指出太過正式,應該改為比較平易近人的句子。. 主管的建議讓Nancy感到很納悶 ...

  5. 2020年12月4日 · • Please find attached the file you requested. 請於附件查看你所要求的文件。 • Please refer to the attached quote for more details. 詳情請見附上的報價單。