雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年10月30日 · 標準型大廈樓宇樣本平面圖. 下列公共屋邨標準型大廈樓宇樣本平面圖只供參考,並不代表所有公屋樓宇類型。. 請注意,個別樓層或單位的圖則或有差別。. 圖則以PDF格式上載。. 要開啓檔案,可從以下網址免費下載有關軟件:. Adobe Reader (.pdf) - http://www.adobe.com ...

  2. ofile 53 Housing Department 1.5 The policies set by the HA and its standing committees are implemented by the Housing Department (HD) which has a strength of 12 310 staff[3].While most of the HD staff are civil servants, about 1 810 are HA contract staff. 1.6 The structure of the HD mirrors that of the HA. ...

  3. 2023年1月9日 · 房屋署是香港房屋委員會 (房委會) 的執行機關。房委會為法定機構,負責制定及推行公共房屋計劃,從而達至政府的公屋政策目標。房屋署同時為房屋局提供支援,處理有關房屋的政策和事務。房屋局常任秘書長兼任房屋署署長一職,負責掌管房屋署。

  4. 2024年3月21日 · Home Ownership. Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (GSH), regularised in 2018, provides an additional avenue for Green Form applicants to achieve home ownership.

  5. HALENSAS 1.3 2 © 2022 Occupational Safety & Health ouncil 職業安全健康局 Safety Auditing System (HALENSAS) version 1.0 was launched on 1 January 2013. Safety ...