雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我最早發生被性騷的年紀是幼稚園,被老師的高中兒子摸了胸部跟下體,最近的性騷擾則是我成為指通的經紀人之後,不論身體或言語都有。 09 Jun 2023 07:54:51

  2. #匿名發言81 最近一直夢到關於教父騷擾事件的某個自認為是受害者的V的夢 大致上就是說 明明就未成年卻一直謊報年齡 還有之前也有過跟前任男友在一起時就一直亂暈船亂撩其他男生 分手後的時間連頭七的時間都還沒到就跟跑去別的準備中男V去u2做過度親密舉動

  3. 男性朋友跟我討論性騷擾,他們很願意了解,但始終會有一道牆,一道「你應該可以這樣拒絕吧」的牆,我有時會撇下「你沒被騷擾你不知道」,他們會說「也不是沒有過」, 不,被女性性騷擾,和被男性性騷擾的壓力完全不同。

    • Using the Twitter brand
    • The basics
    • Here’s how:
    • Misuse
    • Usage
    • The Twitter marks include, but are not limited to:
    • Naming and visual design
    • Books or publications
    • Merchandise
    • Publishing Twitter content?
    • Legal

    We’ve created this guide to help you use some of our core brand elements — our logo, #hashtag, and the @reply, and Tweets. It shouldn’t take long to read (we kept it short). Definitely check it out before you get started. Please note that this guide isn't exhaustive. Please reach out to trademarks@twitter.com if what you are looking for isn't spec...

    Our logo is our most recognizable asset. That’s why we love it, are protective of it and ask you to follow the rules when you use it.

    Only show the logo in Twitter blue or white. You can use black for certain exceptions (please reach out to us for approval). Don’t alter, rotate, or modify the logo. Don’t animate the logo or make it talk, chirp, or fly. Don’t use outdated versions of the logo.

    Don’t alter, rotate, or modify the logo. Don’t animate the logo or make it talk, chirp, or fly. Don’t surround the logo with other birds or creatures. Don’t accessorize the logo with extra elements like speech bubbles. Don’t anthropomorphize the logo. Don’t overemphasize the logo. Don’t use previous versions of the logo. Follow the clear space guid...

    When using Tweets in your marketing, make sure they are real and exist on the platform. Also, don’t alter the message. Other things to know: For Tweet treatments, to closely reflect our service, use Helvetica Neue Regular for the @handle, the Tweet, and timestamp. Use Helvetica Neue Bold for the username. Dark mode Tweets can be used as an alternat...

    The Twitter name Twitter logo The term “Tweet” Any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identifies the source or origin of any Twitter product Also: Always, always, always capitalize the T in “Twitter,” as well as all versions of “Tweet” and “Retweet.”

    (logos, websites, products) Never use Twitter logos or icons as your own. Please don’t incorporate Twitter’s marks, in whole or in part, in the name of your company, product, service, website, domain name, application, or website.

    (education, guides, conferences) Remember to always be clear that your work is about Twitter, not by Twitter. Please name your books and publications something unique, and do not incorporate Twitter’s marks (Twitter, Tweet, Retweet, and Twitter logo) in the title or cover.

    A product branded with the Twitter name or logo is a reflection of Twitter. So, unless the Twitter logo is locked up with a hashtag or handle, or you’re using it with other social media icons, we don’t allow others to make, sell, or give away anything with our name or logo on it.

    Go here if you're looking to embed Twitter content. And here for our requirements on custom Tweet renderings.

    By using the Twitter trademarks in these Brand Guidelines, you agree to follow these Twitter Trademark Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) as well as our Terms of Service and all other Twitter rules and policies. Twitter Inc. (“Twitter”) reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change this policy at any time at its sole discretion without notice. These G...

  4. 一位女導演問我那位游姓導演騷擾我多久,截了一些訊息給她們自救會,剛看了一下半年約我14次,只要我有限動他就會傳訊給我,一直失敗卻還是很努力。

  5. The Twitter Internship Program is a 12-week experience for undergraduate and graduate students to gain direct exposure to the day-to-day of the company. From engineering, to marketing, and finance, we welcome students from all educational backgrounds with various professional interests to apply. #Impact #Growth.

  6. To do this: Select “Create a new campaign” from your ads account and select the “Website clicks” objective. After filling out the campaign details, you’ll be prompted to fill out your ad group details. While completing ad group details, select “Website conversions” under “Optimization preference”.