雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 胡鴻鈞. 公義的抉擇. 電劇劇【律政強人】片尾曲. 作詞:楊熙. 作曲:張家誠. 編曲:張家誠. 監製:何哲圖.韋景雲. 何謂看穿真假 何謂是非黑白. 人在變天的一瞬間 前行後退全部要抉擇.

  2. 律政強人 插曲. Lyricist:Wayne James. Composer:鄺靜欣. Arranger:朱俊傑. 監製:何哲圖 / 朱俊傑. Can you see light in my eyes. Like a child waiting for Christmas. The stars in the sky watch as I sigh. Can you see what they see? Look at the trees, they're swaying. They feel the touch of the breeze. They overheard my whispered words. Can you hear what I'm saying?

  3. 作曲:鄺靜欣. 編曲:朱俊傑. 監製:何哲圖 / 朱俊傑. Can you see. Light in my eyes. Like a child waiting for Christmas. The stars in the sky. Watch as I sigh. Can you see what they see? Look at the trees. They're swaying. They feel the touch of the breeze. They overheard my whispered words. Can you hear what I'm saying? Maybe I am only dreaming. So what if I'm wrong?

  4. 作詞:閆杰晨. 作曲:閆杰晨. 編曲:閆杰晨. 夜歸泊輕舟 誰撫琴一首. 遙望山林中 君霽月清風. 煙雨朦朧你我相守 鵲橋之中. 兩情若長久戚戚月上柳梢頭. 一舀春水氾泛鴛鴦 你儂我儂. 似水的柔情脈脈 人約黃昏後. 戰鼓又擂動 我君 赴邊守. 家書從未有 心念念不休. 你送的胭脂扣 是我的心頭憂. 我們的十指緊扣在那一夜纏綿後. 你西征未等候 我編織的紅袖. 今夜的新妝到底它是為誰濃. 金戈鐵馬身披麒麟甲. 我要追你到落霞. 琵琶秋色下 黃昏側飲馬. 舉目望月牙. 孤煙飛起漫天弄狂沙. 蕭蕭良人你在哪. 長風落金甲 漠北弓颯颯. 喚你到白髮. 戰鼓又擂動 我君 赴邊守. 家書從未有 心念念不休. 你送的胭脂扣 是我的心頭憂. 我們的十指緊扣在那一夜纏綿後.

  5. 律政強人 插曲. 作詞:Wayne James. 作曲:鄺靜欣. 編曲:朱俊傑. 監製:何哲圖 / 朱俊傑. Can you see light in my eyes. Like a child waiting for Christmas. The stars in the sky watch as I sigh. Can you see what they see? Look at the trees, they're swaying. They feel the touch of the breeze. They overheard my whispered words. Can you hear what I'm saying?

  6. 作曲:鄺靜欣. 編曲:朱俊傑. 監製:何哲圖 / 朱俊傑. Can you see. Light in my eyes. Like a child waiting for Christmas. The stars in the sky. Watch as I sigh. Can you see what they see? Look at the trees. They're swaying. They feel the touch of the breeze. They overheard my whispered words. Can you hear what I'm saying? Maybe I am only dreaming. So what if I'm wrong?

  7. 公義的抉擇電劇劇【律政強人】片尾曲作詞楊熙作曲張家誠編曲張家誠監製何哲圖 ...

  1. 律政強人 線上 相關

  2. Uplifting Worship Music for Jesus. Worship Jesus together with FREE worship music that bring peace and hope. Sound of Heaven.

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