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  1. 2015年7月18日 · A growing number of REAL scientists are coming out, warning that we are moving back to a mini ice age. I have explained that when I saw a presentation of the energy output of the sun derived from the ice core samples taken from the North Pole back in the 1990s, it matched up with the 309.6-year ECM cycle.

  2. 2021年4月29日 · The last grand-minimum event produced the mini-Ice Age in the mid-17th century. Known as the Maunder Minimum , it occurred between 1645 and 1715, during a longer span of time when parts of the world became so cold that the period was called the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1300 to 1850.

  3. 2018年12月30日 · It appears we are plunging now into a deep mini ice age. There is just no way we can reverse this trend no matter how much the government regulates or increases the taxes. For the next 20 years at a minimum it’s going to get colder and colder on average.

  4. 2016年10月29日 · Experts say that solar activity has fallen to levels not seen since the mini-ice age that took place between 1645 and 1715 known as the Maunder Minimum. While the global warming advocates want to blame everything on CO2 levels, hard evidence from ice core samples indicate that spikes in CO2 levels trailed increases in global ...

  5. 2022年12月27日 · This is the cover from January 31, 1977, They were calling it a mini Ice Age. The year 1977 was the coldest even in NYC. Interestingly, this followed the 8.6-year cycle and 51.6 years from 1977 will take us to 2029 which is the major target in climate determined

  6. 2019年2月13日 · There is no room for personal opinions in such matters. Nevertheless, at last, there are people finally starting to talk about solar minimum and the DEEP FREEZE. There has been extremely cold weather, a WARNING that is finally being heard. Solar minimum has ARRIVED and could last for more than a DECADE, as many are starting to warn.

  7. 2018年1月3日 · Unlike the Global Warming crowd pushing fake research to get $1 billion grants from government welfare, real investigation into global climate change and solar activity is an incredibly vital and important subject in geophysics, which government is not funding with handouts because it does NOT support raising taxes.

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