雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 精選京都必去景點、必吃美食等10大打卡熱點,只要跟隨我們的腳步,你就能輕鬆拍出美照, IG讚數立馬破表!

  2. 2020年7月8日 · A post shared by Jek Bacarisas (@jek.575) on Oct 17, 2017 at 2:05am PDT. Kiyomizu-dera is a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, and is one of the UNESCO Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto. It was founded in 778, so it's no surprise this monument has a lot of history. Jek.575's photo shows us what it's like on a rainy day and that doesn't deter visitors ...

  3. 2017年7月10日 · Historical. Feel the Flower Power at Meigetsu-in Temple. Planetyze Updated July 10, 2017. Temples Flowers Temples & Shrines Power Spots Kamakura. Granted two stars by the Michelin Green Guide, Meigetsu-in Temple is famous for its hydrangeas. And if you're lucky, you can even see the irises growing in the back! Meigetsu-in Blue.

  4. 2017年6月7日 · 東京的神社如此之多,推出的各式御守更是多到難以數計,而這間從新宿出發只需10分鐘就可以到達的東京私房景點「阿佐谷神明宮」,則提供有一條設計唯美且經過神明加持的超好運稀有御守!. 與伊勢神宮擁有很大淵源的「阿佐谷神明宮」,是東京都心中較少 ...

  5. 日本民宿的好,或許全來自與日常。走訪日本鎌倉來趟如同回家般的民宿入住體驗。 說到aiaoi所提供的早餐,從杉本藥局三代目的杉本格朗獨自創建的品牌漢方茶開始,到民宿附近的水產小屋每天早晨送來的新鮮海產,入住的旅人在一年四季都能品嘗到不同風味的時令海鮮。

  6. 2020年1月20日 · 近年,在廣島的生口島有一個網紅打卡熱點,由各種奇石堆疊而成的藝術秘境「未來心之丘」,丘上的獨特景色屬鄰近地區罕有,「希臘風大理石城」、「日版愛琴海」、「無瑕聖地」等等的美稱層出不窮,也難怪交通儘管不便卻仍有大量旅客慕名而來。走進這潔白無瑕的浪漫國度,的確讓人感受到 ...

  7. 2019年3月23日 · Moominvalley Park is a 50-minute train ride from Ikebukuro Station. After taking a bus from Hanno Station in Saitama Prefecture, you’ll arrive at Metsa Village, which is a Scandinavian-themed park where visitors can enjoy a relaxing Nordic lifestyle surrounded by beautiful nature. Just 15 minutes on foot from the entrance of Metsa Village is ...

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