雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 不出校園也能過原味聖誕:5所日本教會大學名門巡禮. 提到美國的大學,大部分人第一個想到的是哈佛斯坦福等常春藤大學,而很少有人知道衛斯理學院之類的學校。. 同樣,說到日本的大學,大家第一時間想到的肯定也是東大京大等國立名門,大部分人並不 ...

  2. 2016年4月11日 · What's the first thing people say to me when they find out I taught English at an all-girls' junior and senior high school in Kyoto? “Oh your students must be so polite and respectful—so different from America!”

  3. 通過參道後來到本,本堂又分內陣及外陣,內陣為擺放佛像的地方,外陣即為信眾或參列者列席的場地。 入口兩旁有金剛力士像,用以抵禦佛敵,是為守護神。

  4. 2019年10月23日 · 在搭乘JR山手線觀光時,可曾注意過,位在原宿站後方,有著一大片綠意呢?. 那不是普通的公園,而是為了記念明治天皇與昭憲皇太后所計畫建造的「明治神宮」。. 明年 (2020年) 剛好滿一百年的明治神宮,是東京各景點中海外訪客數最多,同時也是被評比為米 ...

  5. 2018年10月17日 · Shrines can be found just about everywhere in Japan. But shrines in Kyushu are special, because Kyushu is, according to legend, home to the first places where the Shinto gods descended to Earth. The following shrines mark five of Shintoism's most significant spots. 5. Aso Shrine (Kumamoto) http://donation.yahoo.co.jp/detail/5066001/

  6. 2017年11月2日 · Shizuoka Sengen Shrine is a large and beautiful complex not far from Shizuoka Station. In order to get to the shrine you have to walk through a small shopping street that's especially beautiful during the cherry blossom season in early April, leading to the large shrine entrance gate.

  7. 2019年2月18日 · Keiichi Nishizawa is a Shinto priest at Kuzuryu Shrine in western Tokyo, and he offers waterfall training—a form of traditional ascetic training for monks and priests—to anyone, in the belief that these traditional practices can provide multifaceted benefits to members of modern society.

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