雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年11月28日 · Himeji Castle Reborn. Himeji Castle never faced an actual battle, nor was it damaged during World War 2, so it is the most complete and unaltered surviving castle in Japan. The castle has eight structures designated as National Treasures, and seventy-four designated as Important Cultural Properties. In 1993, Himeji Castle was among the first ...

  2. 在日本只要從事每周超過20小時的工作,公司就有義務幫員工加入「雇用保險」,而這份雇用保險也將作為失業者的生活保障及職業訓練等用途。有關雇用保險的保險費則由公司及員工一起負擔,員工負擔的部分基本上從每個月的薪水中扣除,日文稱為「天

  3. 這則4K視頻將帶大家探訪歷史悠久的白川鄉和五箇山,這兩處景點能充分展現在白雪覆蓋下的日本鄉間美景。毛茸茸的屋頂所帶來的不只是異國情調,還有冬日夜晚的寧靜 和溫馨。以上這些,足以讓你下定決心,背起行囊來岐阜縣走走看看了吧!

  4. 2019年8月28日 · The lanterns, which began in the Muromachi Period (1336-1573) are made using only paper and glue. The show, held every August 15-16, is based on folklore that locals helped an emperor who got lost in a thick fog. It is said the torchlights guide the monarch to a shrine. Consider letting the bright lights guide you to Kumamoto Prefecture next year!

  5. 2015年11月23日 · A Glimpse of Life in the 1800s. Japanese music and theater also are represented, in the form of shamisen musicians. But the citizens of turn-of-the-20th-century Japan couldn’t spend all their time engaging in elegant cultural endeavors. Just like people today, they had to earn a living, and with the country’s centuries of civil war finally ...

  6. 2018年8月17日 · For many, freelance language teaching jobs are the cream of the crop, offering flexibility and comfort unlike any other. But finding students can be a challenge without the right resources. Here are five solid options to get you started!

  7. 2022年9月6日 · The Wedded Rocks: Meoto Iwa. Meoto Iwa (夫婦岩), known as the “Wedded Rocks” or “Husband and Wife Rocks” are a pair of sacred rocks in the sea off Futami, a small town that's part of Ise City in Mie Prefecture. The rocks are located near Ise Grand Shrine, which is the most important and sacred Shinto shrine in Japan.